Top Ten Tuesday (#1): Top Ten Books I’ve read in 2013 (So Far)

Hey everyone. This is my first official blog post! Yay for that! Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Broke and the Bookish, and the theme for this week is: Top Ten Books I’ve Read So Far In 2013.

I’ve read some truly incredible books so far this year, so narrowing this down to just ten books was difficult. I thought really long and hard before finalizing this list. So here it is:

1. Shadowlands by Kate Brian released on January 8, 2013 and it immediately became my favorite book of 2013. It’s almost July, and no book has surpassed this one so far. The ending alone is enough to put it in the top spot. I was so mind-boggled by that ending, I had to re-read the last few pages about five times.

2. I don’t think there are words to describe how I felt about The Program by Suzanne Young. I felt angry, violated, shocked, helpless… Basically, all the different emotions Sloane felt, I felt. It’s scary to think something like this could actually happen. I’m really glad there’s a sequel to this, and I’m dying to see what happens next for Sloane. Will she get her memories back? Who will she end up with? How will the rebellion fight back? So many questions!

3. I absolutely adored Spellcaster by Claudia Gray. It was Charmed meets Buffy meets The Secret Circle. But it was still unique and original. Does that make sense? I loved the way Nadia practiced her magic and the rules that made up the Craft – it was different from everything I’ve ever read/watched with witches. And, of course, Verlaine was Nadia’s very own Willow – in my opinion, at least. I’m excited for Steadfast!

4. Chapter 21 of With All My Soul by Rachel Vincent was, by far, the most heartbreaking in literary history. I just sobbed. And sobbed. And sobbed some more. And the ending was a truly unforgettable, and perfect, ending. It was very fitting, and words can’t describe how much I loved it. I truly enjoyed the little sneak peak into what the characters were like after so many years had passed. It made the ending feel more final, more complete. Definitely one of my favorite endings to a YA series.

5. Mind Games by Kiersten White was such a fun read. It was raw and emotional with tragedy, drama and mystery. And the ending was just… It blew my mind. I’m really excited for Perfect Lies. I need to see what’s going to happen to Fia and Annie next!

6. I’m actually planning to do a blog post for The Archived by Victoria Schwab, as well as for her upcoming Vicious. At the risk of being repetitive, I’m just going to say that this book was a truly original, edge-of-my-seat mystery until the very end. I loved Mackenzie. She was take-charge; she didn’t just sit around waiting for other people to save her. Oh, and I never trusted Owen. Not at all.

7. Really, you guys just need to read The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa. It is made of awesome. And for anyone who is sick of vampires? It will change your mind, IMHO. The ending had me sobbing like a little baby. Enough said. Go read this. Now!

8. Chapters 6, 24, and 28 of Sever by Lauren DeStefano gave me heart attacks! Never has a book had me so on the edge of my seat. I nearly died each time something huge happened. I was scared, I was shocked and I was blown away. There are no words. The ending was amazing and satisfying.

9. First off, reading Parallel by Lauren Miller was a nice change from all the supernatural books I read. Don’t get me wrong, I love vampires, werewolves, witches, etc. But it was nice reading something different. And seriously, parallel lives? It really made me stop and think. Every little thing we do in our everyday lives can have an effect on our future. Even the small things matter. The real lesson here: Your path in life might change and deviant from your original goals, but in the end, you’ll do what you’re meant to do.

10. And last, but definitely not least, is Elegy by Tara Hudson. I had the privilege of reading this as an ARC, courtesy of Tara Hudson and the Amelia’s Birthday Giveaway. And let me tell you, it was incredible. The ending was so different from what most authors do. (SPOILERS AHEAD) Most authors end with the main love interests all happily ever after. But in this case, Amelia had to say goodbye to Joshua, until the day that Joshua joins her on the other side. And even though it was sad, I found this to be really refreshing. Because in real life, nothing is happily ever after.

So, that’s the end of my Top Ten Books of 2013 list! And the end of my first official post as a blogger. So exciting! Hope you guys enjoyed!

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday (#1): Top Ten Books I’ve read in 2013 (So Far)

  1. Eeeeep, I seriously haven’t read any of these *hides* The Program, Mind Games, Parallel and The Eternity Cure’s on my TBR list though! I haven’t heard of the others because they’re fairly new but I’ll definitely check them out! I’m especially liking the sound of Elegy. :) Awesome post, Meredith! :D

    • I definitely recommend every book on that list! Seriously, I was really careful when I picked them. They really are the best of the best, in my opinion! Elegy was great! It’s the final book in the trilogy: Hereafter and Arise are the first two. Enjoy! Let me know what you think once you read some of them! :)

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