Stacking the Shelves #7: In Which I Gush About the Book Blogging Community

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.

Books I Mentioned
The Raft by S.A. Bodeen
Antigoddess by Kendare Blake
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry
Dare You To by Katie McGarry
Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
The Secret Circle: The Divide by L.J. Smith

Bloggers I Mentioned
Stormy C @ Book Blog Bake
Stacie @ The Shy Book Nerd
Kayla @ The Bibliophilic Nerds

Authors I mentioned
Hafsah Laziaf

10 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #7: In Which I Gush About the Book Blogging Community

  1. Awwww. Happy almost 3 Month Blogoversary!!! (I honestly thought your blog was YEARS old. :P)
    And we love you too!

    And I’m looking forward to finally reading Antigoddess, Pushing the Limits and Dare You To, as well as Unraveling.

    Jess <3

  2. I didn’t notice any glitchy things going on with your video or sound. I really liked the video! I agree–the blogosphere is truly amazing and I’m also glad I joined it.

    It is awesome that you were sent both of Katie McGarry’s books. They are so good! They are some of my favorite contemporaries right now. Before I Fall is also a very, very good read. I’ve been wanting to read The Raft for awhile now because it’s cover is so intriguing. Antigoddess, too, is one I really want to read.

    Great haul! I hope you enjoy all of your new books. :)

    My STS:

    • Hmm, maybe it was just on my end then?

      I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about Katie McGarry and hr books! The Raft has a great cover, right?? :)

      Sorry for the delay, I’ll check out your STS now! :)

  3. You are too adorable. So excited that you got 2 Katie McGarry books. I really need to read her stuff. Plus Antigoddess. I swear I’m like the only person who doesn’t have that one yet.

    Congrats on the 3 month blog-o-versary. We love you and we’re thrilled that you joined this crazy but awesome community.

    BTW,I have never had any issues with you vlogs. Audio or visual.

    • Hahaha, thanks :) Well I have Antigoddess but I haven’t read it yet! :\ Soon, I hope!

      Awwwwww, thanks!!! You’re so sweet!!! <33333

      Good to know! I’m starting to think it was just on my end..

    • <333333333333333 Haha, right? It’s such an amazing bookmark! I don’t want anything to happen to it!

      Hm. Seems I’m the only one who had issues so maybe it was just my computer or internet connection. Thanks!

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