Hey everyone! It has been a LONG time since I last did a discussion post – since November, in fact! So I thought it was time for another one!
With the start of a new year, there have been a lot of reading challenges popping up. I joined a couple, like the Goodreads Challenge. But mostly, I have a crazy busy hectic schedule and I can’t tie myself down with too many official challenges – I’d always be behind and I’d always be pulling my hair out while sobbing in a corner.
BUT (There’s always a “but” right?) I’ve sort of started an unofficial mini-challenge for myself. I’ve discovered a lot of amazing books thanks to book blogging. A lot of them are duologies, trilogies and.. whatever a 4-book series is called (quadrologies?). Most of them are very well-known/highly-anticipated/incredibly beloved. I feel like such a bad book nerd for not reading these books sooner!
So in the next few months, in between review books, I plan on binge-reading some of these amazing series’. Most of them are trilogies and completed now, though the one still has a final book coming out in 2015. And technically, I started this in January. So the first trilogy I mention? I’ve already binged it.
So, without further adieu, let’s get this show on the road! Here are the trilogies/series I have read/plan on reading in the months to come:

So, I’ve already read this trilogy. I had heard so many amazing things about it, but unfortunately, I was the black sheep and I didn’t enjoy it as much as I had hoped I would. I loved the world-building, the plot, the technology, the science/genetics. But I didn’t love the characters. I mean, I LOVED Roar. And Brooke and Liv. But that was it. It was still an enjoyable trilogy, it just wasn’t completely for me.
Reviews: Under the Never Sky | Through the Ever Night | Into the Still Blue

I’ve read Cinder and I’m about 100 pages into Scarlet now. I absolutely LOVE this series so far! Marissa Meyer is a gorgeous storyteller. I love the concept/plot, the characters, the writing. These books are just amazing. I’m already dying for Winter and I’m not even onto Cress yet!
Reviews: Cinder

Team Warner! Team Adam! Kenji! Chapter 62! Chapter 55! These are the things I currently know about this series. People LOVE it and people FLIP OUT over it and I’m DYING to read it! I’m actually going to meet Tahereh Mafi at the Dark Days signing in NYC and I’m sad I don’t have time to read at least Shatter Me before I go, but since it’s my March Binge, I guess I’ll just have to be patient!

I’ve tentatively scheduled this trilogy for April. I’ve heard it’s epic and amazing, but I’ve also heard a few not-so-cool things about it. But I own them all and I don’t really read a lot of high fantasy, so I’m game!
So, that’s it for now! Like I said, April’s binge read is penciled in and I’m not sure beyond that. But for now, those are the series’ I’ve either read already (Under the Never Sky), am in the middle of (Lunar Chronicles) or plan to read in the next few months (Shatter Me, Fire and Thorns). Again, this is an unofficial challenge I set for myself. But if anyone is interesting in doing it with me, let me know in the comments! Maybe I’ll make it more official and create a button, etc!
And if you’re interested in learning more about book binging, check out this awesome post from Book Rock Betty!
Now, my lovelies, tell me: Have you binge-read a series? Do you plan to? Which series have you/will you binge(d)?
I binge read Katie McGarry’s Pushing The Limits series even though that one is not over. I really do want to read Veronica Rossi’s series & Rae Carson’s series (hopefully SOON) I have The Lunar Chronicles penciled in as part of March’s book buy so I can binge read those.
I really do want to read more series. I’ve read a lot of standalones lately and I want to do a series again. We should do a series challenge for the year. I think that’s a fantastic idea.
I binge read Katie McGarry’s books, too, back when CIY came out! It was so fun!
Woohoo! Good to know!! :)
This is such a great idea! I’ve seen so many people reading these series and I feel like I’m missing out on something great! I’m planning on reading the Shatter Me, Lunar Chronicles and Under The Never Sky series soon too!! I’m especially looking forward to finding out what’s in those ‘special’ chapters in the Shatter Me trilogy! If you end up making this an official binge-a-thon, count me in :)
(Btw, if they’re not called quadrologies, they should be from now on lol)
That’s how I felt/feel! I’m glad I’ve finished with Under the Never Sky and I just need to read Cress to be caught up with The Lunar Chronicles. I’m excited to read Shatter Me in March!
Woohoo, thanks!!! :)
(Haha, yesss!)
The only series I’ve ever binge read was Divergent. Other than that, I’m lucky if I even finish a trilogy! I’m SO terrible at keeping up with series. Scarlet has been sitting on my shelf staring me in the face since the week it came out and I still have yet to read it! *sighs*
I need to read book 2 of Fire & Thorns, but I wasn’t really a fan of book 2. I’ve heard it gets better, but I just keep putting it off =/
Oohh, Divergent is a biggie for binge reading! Awww, well, maybe if I make this challenge official (which I’m pretty sure I am!), then you can tackle some of those series! :)
Those are awesome series to binge read!! I loved Under the Never Sky from start to finish and I’m soooooooo excited to see you reading The Lunar Chronicles! One of my all-time favorite series! <3
I need to read Rae Carson's book too! I haven't even started it yet but I've heard so many good things!
I’m LOVING the Lunar Chronicles! I can’t wait to get to Cress! I just have a few more review books to plow through before I read it! :( I’ve heard the same! :)