I received this book for free from Rockstar Book Tours in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Series: My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century #3
Published by Entangled Teen on April 21, 2014
Pages: 250
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Buy on Amazon

Cat Crawford just wants to be normal—or at least as normal as a daughter of Hollywood royalty can be. And it looks like fate is granting her wish: she’s got an amazing boyfriend, Lucas; her fabulous cousin, Alessandra, living with her; and her dad planning his second marriage to a great future stepmom. That is, until her prodigal mother reveals on national television that she has something important to tell her daughter…causing a media frenzy.
Lucas Capelli knows his fate is to be with Cat, and he’s worked hard to win her over once and for all. Unfortunately, Lucas has his own issues to deal with, including a scandal that could take him away from the first place he’s truly belonged.
As secrets are revealed, rumors explode, and the world watches, Cat and Lucas discover it’s not fate they have to fight if they want to stay together…this time, it’s their own insecurities.
Well, and the stalkerazzi.
Hey everyone! Welcome to my stop on the My Not So Super Sweet Life blog tour! I’m very excited to be a part of this blog tour! Rachel is AMAZING and I absolutely loved My Not So Super Sweet Life!! I hope you enjoy my review!
Rachel Harris has done it again! My Not So Super Sweet Life (MNSSSL) was an amazing journey filled with beloved characters and timeless lessons. I’ve loved every book that Harris has written and she will continue to be on my auto-buy list for a long time to come.
Cat has grown so much since My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century (MSSSC, book one). In the beginning, she kept her feeling and emotions well guarded. She didn’t trust anyone and didn’t let anyone get too close. She didn’t have many friends because of this and she refused to let herself fall for anyone, for fear she would end up heartbroken. So much of this changed after her trip to the past, but she still had a lot of trust issues. In MNSSSL, she really worked through a huge chunk of those trust issues. I definitely think having Alessandra around helped. She also never forgot the lessons she learned in the past and she constantly tried to remind herself of those lessons. I wasn’t a huge Cat fan in MSSSC but I really grew to love her in MNSSSL.
Lucas… Wow, Lucas… Can I just say I swooned over him and leave it at that? No? You want more details? Okay. Lucas is amazing, kind, sweet, patient, loving and wonderful. Like all of Harris’ swoon-worthy guys, he makes you grin like an idiot and wish fictional boys were real. He knew when to be there for Cat and when to give her space. He was always a gentleman and always seemed to say the right thing. I LOVED LOVED LOVED having his POV in this book. Getting into his mind took this book to a whole new level. I felt like we really got to know him and feel for him and we got to see a whole new side of Cat by seeing her through his eyes.
I still adore Austin to pieces and I’m glad he was in MNSSSL as much as he was. He and Alessandra are amazingly adorable together and I loved how he had Cat’s back and the ways in which he was there for Lucas.
I LOVED LOVED LOVED Ransom. Before reading MNSSSL, I saw a lot of friends reading and commenting on how amazing he was – they even asked, begged and pleaded for a book with him. Now that I’ve read it, I can see why!!! And I truly hope he gets his own book, as well!!! I’d love to learn more about him, get inside his head and find out about his past.
I also loved the little bit we got from Reyna’s perspective and I’d absolutely love to see her get her own book, too. She’s a fascinating character. Until now, we’ve only seen her as a Gypsy guide. She’s constantly helping others, but I’d love to see her help herself for once. She deserves a happily ever after and, as a reader, I’d love to go on that journey with her.
There were some really intense, emotional scenes in this book. And I feel like I went through every single emotional upheaval that the characters went through – When they were happy, I was happy; when they were crushed, I was crushed. My heart broke for them at times; yet, at times, my heart soared with joy for them. The ending felt like it went full-circle from the first book, too, which gave closure to everything.
Overall, I adored this book so much; I could go on and on, gushing about it for hours. But I’ll leave you with this: Rachel Harris is amazing. Everything she writes is amazing. All her guys are swoon-worthy and hot. If you haven’t read her books yet, DO IT. What are you waiting for?!?! I promise, you won’t be disappointed!!
As a teen, Rachel Harris threw raging parties that shook her parents’ walls and created embarrassing fodder for future YA novels. As an adult, she reads and writes obsessively, rehashes said embarrassing fodder, and dreams up characters who become her own grown up version of imaginary friends.She grew up in New Orleans, watching soap operas with her grandmother and staying up late sneak reading her mam’s favorite romance novels. Now a Cajun cowgirl living in Houston, she still stays up too late reading her favorite romances, only now, she can do so openly. She firmly believes life’s problems can be solved with a hot, powdered-sugar-coated beignet or a thick slice of king cake, and that screaming at strangers for cheap, plastic beads is acceptable behavior in certain situations.
She homeschools her two beautiful girls and loves watching reality television with her amazing husband. She writes young adult, new adult, and adult Fun, Flirty Escapes, and LOVES talking with readers!Find Rachel Online: Website | Blog
Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads
And finally, we also have a giveaway going on for this blog tour! Up for grabs?
-One handmade sterling silver necklace that retailed over $130. It is an eight petal rose and a replica of the one Lucas gives Cat for Valentine’s Day in the book.
– One rare, signed paperback. US Only.
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Full Tour Schedule:
Week One:
4/21/2014- Jenna Does Books– Review
4/21/2014- Coffee, Books and Me– Interview
4/22/2014- Meredith & Jennifer’s Musing– Review
4/22/2014- Vi3tbabe– Excerpt
4/23/2014- Pandora’s Books– Review
4/23/2014- Stuck In Books– Guest Post
4/24/2014- The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club– Review
4/24/2014- Library of a Book Witch– Excerpt
4/25/2014- Every Free Chance Book Reviews-– Review
4/25/2014- Book Loving Mom– Excerpt
Week Two:
4/28/2014- The Book Belles– Review
4/28/2014- Mercurial Musings– Excerpt
4/29/2014- Mundie Moms– Review
4/29/2014- The Cover Contessa– Guest Post
4/30/2014- Book Angel Booktopia– Review
4/30/2014- Swoony Boys Podcast– Interview
5/1/2014- Bookaholics Anonymous– Review
5/1/2014- TSK TSK What to Read– Excerpt
5/2/2014- Once upon a twilight– Review
5/2/2014- Fantasy Book Addict– Guest Post
I loved Ransom too
So much Ransom love!!
Cat really had a rough road ahead of her… But with the help of her loved ones… And let’s cross our fingers that Ms. Harris will write a book about Ransom soon… =)
Thank you for the review!!!
Sorry the first comment was incomplete… It should be:
But with the help of her loved ones she made it through… =)
She did! But, like you said, she made it through and she was okay in the end! ^_^ Dying for a Ransom book!!
if you ever need to gush for hours with someone, i’m free! :)
Be careful, I really will take you up on that offer!! Haha :)
well, as long as you can wait until after i’m done with my o level exams (on June 11th) i’ll become inseparable from the computer and all things bookish :) so yeah, i’m serious about my offer ;)
Woot! :)
Meredith, thank you so much for the fabulous review, the constant support, and your contagious enthusiasm.
I loved this line in your review –> “we got to see a whole new side of Cat by seeing her through his eyes.” That’s my favorite part of dual POVs. Not only do we get to understand those characters better themselves, knowing their thoughts, we get a better read on the other one, too. How other people see them. So glad that happened for you!
You’re more than welcome! Thank YOU for all the wonderful stories and swoon-worthy guys!!
Agreed! Dual POV offers so many wonderful insights and I loved it so much! It worked so, so well with Cat and Lucas and I loved seeing things from Lucas eyes!
Thanks for an awesome review
You’re welcome :)
Hi Rachel! Love hearing about fellow Louisiana girls doing so well! I live in Lafayette and was born in New Orleans. Congrats on the book!
Have you read it yet? So very good! Check it out when you have a chance :)
Love the review and this book!
Thanks and agreed!!
Okay I seriously need to find out who Ransom is. Everyone loves him!
Yes, yes you do!!!! HE IS AMAZING!
I really would like to read your book looking forward to it.
Definitely read it when you can! It’s amazing!
Great review and I love Ransom too!! I hope she does a book for him and Reyna!!
I hope so, too! Love them so much and I’d LOVE to see more of their stories!
I’m going to steal Ransom…I swear I’m going to do it.
You can steal him if we can share him! Deal? :)
Well, they do say that sharing is caring. ;)
Woohoo! ^_^
I totally agree with your whole review, but I especially loved this part.
“Lucas… Wow, Lucas… Can I just say I swooned over him and leave it at that? No? You want more details? Okay. Lucas is amazing, kind, sweet, patient, loving and wonderful. Like all of Harris’ swoon-worthy guys, he makes you grin like an idiot and wish fictional boys were real. He knew when to be there for Cat and when to give her space. He was always a gentleman and always seemed to say the right thing. I LOVED LOVED LOVED having his POV in this book. Getting into his mind took this book to a whole new level. I felt like we really got to know him and feel for him and we got to see a whole new side of Cat by seeing her through his eyes.”
AND this part was so perfect as well…
“Overall, I adored this book so much; I could go on and on, gushing about it for hours. But I’ll leave you with this: Rachel Harris is amazing. Everything she writes is amazing. All her guys are swoon-worthy and hot. If you haven’t read her books yet, DO IT. What are you waiting for?!?! I promise, you won’t be disappointed!!”
Yes, yes and yes!
Great review, I loved it!
There was a GIANT amount of Lucas swooning!! He’s so swoon-worthy! I adore him :)
Nice review!! I would never stop saying how much I loved Lucas on this book!
Right?!?!?! Lucas was so swoony!!
I loved Ransom too! Nice review :)
Ransom was AMAZING!
Great review! I tend to read reviews before buying any book or any product really.
Thanks :)