I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Series: Love and Games #3
Published by Entangled: Bliss on July 14th 2014
Pages: 266
Source: the publisher
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One ring plus one wild night equals one crazy love.
Sherry Robicheaux loves men. She loves love. And she loves an adventure. So when she meets a mysterious man while working backstage at a country music concert in Vegas, she’s all about what’s happened in Vegas staying there.
Country music superstar Tyler Blue just wants a weekend of anonymity…though there’s something about the spunky waitress with the streaks of purple hair that tempts him like no other. Until the next morning, when they both wake up with fuzzy memories…and rings on their fingers.
Convincing Sherry to maintain the ruse for his public image isn’t the hardest part—it’s reminding himself that their time spent playing husband and wife in her small town of Magnolia Springs can’t last. Tyler’s first love will always be music—and the road is no place for a sweet downhome girl.
Rachel Harris has done it again! Accidentally Married on Purpose was adorable, fun, hilarious, sob-inducing (at times) and filled with incredible characters and sexy, swoony guys. The lovable characters alone made me unable to put this book down (I read it in about two sittings!), but the epic plot made it my favorite in this series!
I’ve always been a Sherry fan, ever since we met her in Taste the Heat. In fact, my original notes from when I read Taste the Heat say that Sherry is “a great character. Funny and insightful with the perfect blend of annoying little sister and friend.” And my review of Seven Day Fiance said, “There’s going to be a third book in this series, and I’m DYING to know which hunky guy and girl-next-door are going to be front and center in that one! (Fingers crossed for Sherry!)”
So, obviously, I was beyond thrilled when Sherry was the female lead in Accidentally Married on Purpose. She’s an intriguing character, both tough and vulnerable all at the same time. She acts like she doesn’t have a care in the world, but she’s been hurt before and it’s hard for her to trust. She absolutely has the biggest character growth from the beginning of the book to the end – Even from the first book in the series to the end of this one! She really changed – and definitely for the better.
Also, I loved how much of an animal lover Sherry was. She said she would adopt all the animals if she could, and I can definitely relate! Plus, I loved her sense of humor. It had me laughing out loud!
Tyler was soooo yummy. He was kind, sweet and swoon-worthy! *Fans self!!!* Plus, he was ADORABLE with Elvis. So beyond adorable that every time he interacted with Elvis, I was a puddle of mushy awwwwww’s! A man who loves dogs as much as Tyler seemed to, is a man after my own heart! He had a heart-breaking back-story that nearly brought me to tears a few times.
I absolutely loved the plot and the situation Sherry and Tyler were in. It reminded me a lot of Open Road Summer by Emery Lord and Behind the Scenes by Dahlia Adler (though those are young adult books). I love the whole “famous singer falls for regular person” thing. I love seeing the behind the scenes of the music and movie world. It completely intrigues me! On the one hand, it almost never happens, but on the other, it holds just enough reality that you can completely picture yourself in Sherry’s shoes. With the right place, right time, why couldn’t a famous singer/song-writer fall for a non-Hollywood person?
It’s always intriguing when one character doesn’t realize the other is famous. It adds a more wholesome, honest feel to the plot. The character that’s famous can open up more and they become more vulnerable by sharing their secrets. Also, Sherry not recognizing who Tyler was kind of reminded me of Jason not recognizing Colby right away, so it felt like things came full circle. Plus, the chemistry between Sherry and Tyler was undeniable!
Of course, I loved seeing Colby, Jason, Cane and Angelle in Accidentally Married on Purpose! I think that’s the best part of Rachel Harris’ books – getting to see all the characters you know and love from the previous books. It just brings all the plots together and you can see how the different characters have grown and see how they interact together. It’s very heart-warming. Personally, I really wasn’t an Angelle fan in the beginning – for reasons obvious to those of you who read Taste the Heat. But I adored her in her book, Seven Day Fiance, and I loved what a great friend she was to Sherry!
And that ending! That ending!! That ending was amazing and wonderful and perfect and I LOVED IT! I can’t say anymore without spoiling it, so I’ll stop now.. But I LOVED it!
Overall, Accidentally Married on Purpose was my absolute favorite book in the series. I loved Sherry, I swooned over Tyler and I adored the plot. The ending was one of my absolute favorite HEA’s ever! And as always, if you haven’t read any of Rachel Harris’ books yet… Well, what are you waiting for?!?!?!? No, seriously. Stop reading this and GO READ HER BOOKS! ALL OF THEM! NOW! You’ll thank me later, promise!