Today, Pandora’s Books turns 2-years-old!
I seriously can’t believe it’s been two years. It feels both longer than that and nowhere NEAR as long as that! I can’t believe all the things I’ve done, participated in and experienced in the last two years. It still feels surreal! When I started blogging, I felt so “young” and a bit lost. The blogging community was HUGE and there were so many bloggers that inspired me and that I looked up to. Some of them even intimidated me because they’d been blogging for so long and seemed like pros! Seriously, I’d be at an event and I’d see a blogger I looked up to and admired. I’d start to go say hello, then I’d get shy/nervous/scared, run and hide!
But I’ve since grown and matured *coughs* Not really* and I’ve spoken to most of the bloggers who previously intimidated me – whether on Twitter or at events I’ve attended – and I’ve made some amazing friends! The people I’ve met, the friendships I’ve made, the connections I’ve developed – Those are the things that matter most. YOU GUYS matter more than anything else.
Last year, I did Blogger Shout-Outs to all the bloggers who meant the world to me. I’m not going to do that this year because, honestly, I’ve met so many amazing people on this journey, it would be impossible to name everyone without forgetting someone and I’d feel horrible if I forgot someone! So I just want to give one giant shout-out to all my blogging friends, all my author friends, all my co-workers who have become epic friends and everyone I talk to every day. You’re all amazing. Without you, this journey wouldn’t matter at all and wouldn’t even be possible! I LOVE YOU ALL!
-> 39,601 total page views
-> 2,374 Twitter followers
-> 400 Bloglovin followers
-> 414 Goodreads friends
-> 100 email subscribers
-> 406 blog posts (including this one!)
-> “Met” a ton of new bloggers on Twitter, some of whom are now very close friends!
-> Made some incredible connections with publishers/publicists
-> Went to BEA for the second time (And met many of you fabulous people!)
-> Attended several publisher events at BEA this year, something I’m very honored to have done!
This year has been incredible. These last TWO years have been incredible! Thank you for being amazing. Thank you for accepting my weird, spazzy, fangirly self. Thank you for letting me be me. For letting me be a part of this amazing community. Thank you for sticking by me through everything that’s gone on in the last year. Thank you for giving me a home and for making me feel less alone. I know I mentioned this last year, but I was always the outsider in school, the weird girl who liked to read about aliens and vampires. The freak who – GASP – liked to WRITE about aliens and vampires. Man, I’ll never forget that day in eighth grade English when my study group laughed at me for telling them that.. It’s been SO INCREDIBLE becoming a part of the blogosphere, finding friends who GET IT when I need to flail about a book, swoon over a book boyfriend, or even cry about a book. YOU GUYS GET ME! So thank you! <3
Here’s to another year of success for Pandora’s Books and another year of adoring all you lovely people! Cheers!
And now, to thank you for being awesome and standing by me for the last two years, a giveaway! Or.. Several giveaways! Three, to be exact. Two of the giveaways are US only and one is international!
First, I have two awesome Fall ARCs (Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff and Firewalker by Josephine Angelini) up for grabs!
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Then, for my International friends, I’m offering a pre-order of EITHER Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff OR Firewalker by Josephine Angelini!
To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter forms below! But first, the rules:
-For each giveaway: Winner has 48 hours to respond. If winner does not respond, a new winner will be selected.
-For International Giveaway: The Book Depository MUST ship to your country for free in order for you to claim your prize.
-You must be 13 or older to enter OR have your parents’ permission.
-I am not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.
-I reserve the right to change any rules as I see fit for each individual giveaway
With that being said, I wish you luck! May the odds be ever in your favor!
Wow! Those are some nice stats! Congrats on your blogoversaey!!! And thanks for thr giveaway! May you have many more years of blogging to come :)
Thank you so much! :)
Happy Blogoversary!!!! I remember when my blog turned two… it felt like such a huge accomplishment. It was when I realised that creating the blog was the best decision I’ve ever had :)
And those stats!! Jealous a bit I admit :)
I would probably choose Illuminae… reason why?! Well, it was also written by Amie Kaufman (These Broken Stars is one of my favourite books :P).
Thank you for this amazing opportunity ^_^
To more years to come *raises glass* xD
XX Ner
Thanks so much! It really DOES feel like a huge accomplishment, right? :) <3
Happy Anniversary! I wish you many more to come :). Thank you!
Thank you!
Congrats on two years! *cheers* my wee baby blog is turning just a month old. I hope to be still blogging two years down the road. Again, congrats!
Thanks so much! Two years will go by in a flash, you’ll see :)
Congrats on your Blogoversary! Ahh, you ARE giving away epic books! I first heard about Illuminae at YallWest – they had a small number of ARCs, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to get my hands on one, so I’m super excited for this book! :)
Thank you! :)
You’ve only been blogging for two years? I thought you’ve been a blogger for a lot longer than that! Well, happy blogoversary! I’ve really enjoyed following you this past year!
Yup! :) Thanks so much! <3
Yay, congrats on two years! Sooo excited. Thanks for the great giveaways. Can’t wait to open my own blog & achieve a blogoversary :)
Thank you! You’ll have so much fun when you do!
I finally started my blog last week, so July 23, 2016 will be my first blogoversary. Can’t wait!
Also I’d like to win Illuminae because it looks like a good read :)
Congratulations! I’ve been hearing good things about Illuminae and it sounds like a pretty unique concept so I’m super excited to read it!
Thank you!
CONGRATS on 2 years! Isn’t it crazy how fast time goes? I’m so glad that we’ve become friends through our blogging journeys. Here’s to many more years ahead of you!
Thank you!!! I know, time flies! I’m so grateful for your friendship!! <3 <3 <3
Congrats on two years! I wish you many more to come!! I’d want to win Illuminae. Keep on blogging =D
Thank you!
First, happy blogoversary!! And to many more to come! I love your blog and trust your recommendations.
As for what I’d choose, I’d pick Firewalker.
Thanks so much! It makes me so happy to hear that!! <3
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YAY!!!!!!!!! Happy blogoversary!!!! I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you through blogging and Heather’s street team! I love chatting with you on Twitter and you are such a sweetheart! Thanks for the awesome giveaways! <3
Thank you!!! I’ve loved chatting with you! You’re such an awesome friend! *Hugs!*
I loved Illuminae. Totally recommending it for anyone who likes some kickass action in a sci-fi YA romance thriller.
Happy Blogoversary. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks :)
Congrats on 2 years of blogging! I only just discovered your blog, I’m looking forward to following your reviews! :)
Thank you! Hope you enjoy!
Happy blogoversary!! Congrats on all your accomplishments and here’s to more in the future! :)
Thanks so much!! :)
Happy Blogiversary,to many,many more :)
My choice is Firewalker.
Thanks for the amazing opportunity :)
Thank you! :)
Happy blogoversary!! I’d love to win Illuminae because I loved Jay Kristoff’s Lotus War trilogy and judging by the reviews I’ve read, this one sounds like a killer!
Thank you! :)
Happy Blogoversary! Two years is a huge accomplishment. Thanks for sharing your blogoversary with a giveaway!
Thank you so much!
Congratulations. Thanks for the giveaway. I will pick Illuminae because the other is a 2nd book in a serie.
I want to win ILLUMINAE because I saw a few reactions from bloggers on my Twitter feed that makes me want to read this book. :)