Bookish Delight of the Month (Bookish Delight for short) is a monthly feature in which I’ll spotlight the number one book I’m most anticipating at the beginning of the month it releases. This could be a book I don’t have yet, or have an ARC of already – even a book I’m already reading, because it doesn’t matter whether I have it or not, or have read it or not – this is just all about me spotlighting the book I’m most excited for in a given month.
So, without further adieu, let’s get started!
Sooooo…… I kinda messed up and never posted my February Bookish Delight. In my defense, February for me is like Luke’s dark day. It’s never been my favorite month (for various reasons), so I would go, “crap! I need to do my Feb Bookish Delight post!” then shrug it off and tell myself “later,” because I was too depressed or tired or sick. And then.. all of a sudden, February was over and I hadn’t posted it. Sigh.
So even though February is WAY over (thank god) and we’re already over a week into March, I’m still gonna share both! I read my February pick already (and really loved it!), and my March pick is releasing TOMORROW, so it will still be fun to share and discuss both of them. Okay.. Ready? Ready!!
February Pick:
The book I was most highly anticipating in February was… Warrior of the Wild by Tricia Levenseller! Like I mentioned above, I already read this and I LOVED it! To quote directly from my review: “Tricia Levenseller went on my Auto Buy List after I read and LOVED both Daughter of the Pirate King and Daughter of the Siren Queen. Warrior of the Wild did NOT disappoint. It was a fun, epic adventure with amazing characters and an intriguing world.”
How do you kill a god?
As her father’s chosen heir, eighteen-year-old Rasmira has trained her whole life to become a warrior and lead her village. But when her coming-of-age trial is sabotaged and she fails the test, her father banishes her to the monster-filled wilderness with an impossible quest: to win back her honour, she must kill the oppressive god who claims tribute from the villages each year or die trying.
March Pick:
The book I’m most highly anticipating in March is… Bloodleaf by Crystal Smith! This book is a retelling of the Grimm Fairy tale “The Goose Girl.” You guys know how I feel about retellings!!! Especially Fairy tale retellings!!! And the synopsis for this one had me at “Surrounded by spirits and banned from using her blood-magic” because SPIRITS AND MAGIC!!!!!
Perfect for fans of RED QUEEN and UPROOTED, Crystal Smith’s debut novel, BLOODLEAF, is an imaginative retelling of the Grimm Fairy tale “The Goose Girl” that takes a ghostly mystery and sets it inside an epic fantasy world.
Princess Aurelia is a prisoner to her crown and the heir that nobody wants. Surrounded by spirits and banned from using her blood-magic, Aurelia flees her country after a devastating assassination attempt. To escape her fate, Aurelia disguises herself as a commoner in a new land and discovers a happiness her crown has never allowed. As she forges new bonds and perfects her magic, she begins to fall for a man who is forbidden to rule beside her. But the ghosts that haunt Aurelia refuse to abandon her, and she finds herself succumbing to their call as they expose a nefarious plot that only she can defeat. Will she be forced to choose between the weight of the crown and the freedom of her new life?
So, there you have it! My (belated) February and March picks for Bookish Delight! Now, tell me: What was your most anticipated book in February? March? Have you read it/them? Did you enjoy it/them? Share it in the comments!