
Spotlight Post: Thicker Than Water by Brigid Kemmerer (Chapter Excerpt + Giveaway)

Hey everyone! I’m super excited to share with you a chapter excerpt from Brigid Kemmerer’s Thicker Than Water (December 29, 2015 – Kensington Books). I also have an awesome giveaway for you! First, here’s more about the book:

TTW On his own

Thomas Bellweather hasn’t been in town long. Just long enough for his newlywed mother to be murdered, and for his new stepdad’s cop colleagues to decide Thomas is the primary suspect.

Not that there’s any evidence. But before Thomas got to Garretts Mill there had just been one other murder in twenty years.

The only person who believes him is Charlotte Rooker, little sister to three cops and, with her soft hands and sweet curves, straight-up dangerous to Thomas. Her best friend was the other murder vic. And she’d like a couple answers.

Answers that could get them both killed, and reveal a truth Thomas would die to keep hidden…

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And now here’s the excerpt from Chapter One! Enjoy!

Thicker Than Water Chapter One by Kaye Publicity


And now for the giveaway! One lucky winner will win a finished copy of the book!

Rules: Giveaway is US only. Once emailed, the winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email to claim their prize. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours, a new winner will be selected. Must be 13 or older OR have parental permission to enter! Neither I nor the author/publicist/publisher are responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes/items

To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter below! And may the odds be ever in your favor!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Brigid author photo About the Author:
Brigid Kemmerer is the author of the YALSA-nominated Elemental series, which Kirkus Reviews calls “refreshingly human paranormal romance” and School Library Journal describes as “a new take on the supernatural genre.” The story of these four gifted teenage boys spans five novels and three e-novellas. Her latest novel, THICKER THAN WATER (Kensington, December 29, 2015), a paranormal mystery with elements of romance, subtly moves from YA to New Adult through the story of a recently orphaned boy, Thomas. Brigid lives in the Baltimore area with her husband and four sons and also works full-time as a financial adviser.

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Blog Tour: The Urban Boys: Discovery of the Five Senses by K.N. Smith (Excerpt + Book Trailer)

Urban Boys Blog Tour Banner 
Hey guys! Today, I’m excited to share with you an excerpt from The Urban Boys: Discovery of the Five Senses by K.N. Smith (September 29, 2015, Two Petals Publishing)! I also have the book trailer for you to enjoy, as well as a giveaway, courtesy of the author! First, here’s more about the book!

the urban boysThe Urban Boys: Discovery of the Five Senses is an action-adventure story about five teen boys who are mysteriously exposed to a foreign energy source that gives them extremely heightened senses. Sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell become hypersensitive gifts that forever change the world. The story offers young and mature readers central themes of loyalty, responsibility, honesty, fear, and triumph, which become artfully integrated with cinematic-level action and high drama. The story twists, turns, and grinds through elements of paranormal and action-adventure in a diverse, exciting, edge-of-your-seat narrative.

Genre/Age Group: Young Adult Fiction (Action-Adventure w/ elements of Paranormal), 12+


Praise for The Urban Boys: Discovery of the Five Senses

“An energetic YA adventure debut with stellar action sequences. Smith’s writing is intelligent and often lyrical. Her exuberant prose never fails to dazzle.”- Kirkus Media


“Author K.N. Smith uses her mastery of the written word to weave an entrancing, yet powerful tale of adventure that keeps you turning pages in an unquenchable desire to find out what happens next. The author’s matchless prose details cinematic fight sequences and fully developed characterizations especially in a final, stupendous scene that will take your breath away and leave you limp with spent emotions. Five stars for this imaginative and inspiring story, sure to be as appealing to general audiences as it will be to the YA crowd!” — Publishers Daily Reviews


“K.N. Smith has at her disposal a lyrical prose that describes the environment and the characters in such fine (and magical) detail that you can’t help but fall in love with the world she has created. ‘The Urban Boys: Discovery of the Five Senses’ is a great start to this new series and the premise holds much promise for more entertaining episodes.” — Midwest Book Review


“The Urban Boys: Discovery of the Five Senses” is both a rollicking ride filled with mystery, suspense and literary drama; as well as a sensitive portrayal of individuals and families called by an unknown force to fight evil. It grips the imagination and engages the senses from the very first words of the Prologue through the whole frenetically evolving story. It’s an amazing work for a new fiction writer and one that will keep the book in your hands as you relax, ride in airplanes or stop for coffee. I couldn’t put it down; and felt I was wasting time whenever I wasn’t going from one colorful chapter to another. It’s a great ride and highly recommended! You will want to get to know “The Urban Boys” and experience their “Discovery of the Five Senses.” — M. Assagai, Sacramento, CA



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And now, the excerpt! Enjoy!

Chapter Fourteen

Out at Night

A BLANKET OF DEEP CHARCOAL MOVED ABOUT LIKE A SPRAWLING, SMOGGY MASS high above Sandry Lake bringing with it gloom and despair for all to see. As a town that had fallen into a desperate state of disrepair, it was still amazingly contained, and unfortunately not as far from Danville Heights as one would prefer. The approximate eight mile span between the two towns was actually very close.

Sandry Lake was contained in the sense that it now had as few citizens as when it was first established, considering that most of its residents had abandoned ship in the name of self-preservation and fear of evil. Its small police force and body of elected officials had all but disappeared. Crime and corruption expressed itself in dark and evil ways.

Coming up from beneath the shadows in unexpected moments of terror, something or someone had assumed control of the entire town and twisted the meaning of what it was to be a community. There were two factions at hand: the last of the committed citizens who would hang-on to the end, and a cruel, dark, malicious force. Fighting what they largely could not see made for a very unpleasant battle, but these faithful citizens were not giving up. Their hearts were embedded in memories of better times when Sandry Lake served as a model community within the region. The citizens had used their very own hands to build the city, and to have what was rightfully theirs stolen from them was an atrocity none could fathom. The problem was that their manpower had waned. So what began as a counterattack became a waiting game, and they struggled to survive.

Living in squalid, makeshift quarters, a dirty band of goons who were all given free range as connivers, thieves, and thugs, roamed around at all hours looking for whatever they wanted to steal. If they encountered a citizen, they simply took what they wanted and beat them to the ground. The goons had been uncaged and even a trace of any rule had simply vanished into thin air.

He orchestrated their moves, lavishing upon them promises of riches and power if they would only align with his grand scheme. By dispensing such promises to the lost, his following had amassed, and they were ready to strike at any given time.

The goons referred to him as “he,” likely not even knowing his name. In fact, the mind washing was so elaborate that they had even forgotten their own names. So far away from the truth were their lives that it would be impossible to salvage any one of them. Intent to rule, this boisterous atrocity displayed itself as the lowest band of hooligans on a totem pole built entirely out of filth and lies. Unlikely to have been an overnight foray, he obviously had been present for some time. He often dreamed of his long-range plans to dominate this once beautiful and established town.

As a loud altercation between a citizen and a wild ruffian unfolded in the background, the depth of a shadow revealed a nasty episode in an otherwise unfortunate, yet common day. With its desperate hunger aired out in the open, a meandering chicken ruffled its brown and green feathers. It walked and pecked for any scrap that would kindly spare itself.

In a place unfriendly to a lonely bird, it would take mountains of hope for a meal to be realized. Unfortunately, he had the same on his mind and wildly snatched the chicken, which sent feathers flying up and about. And with a quick snap of its neck, he brought it all to an end. Void of hesitation, he bit into the chicken spitting out blood and feathers in a most expressionless manner. In his mind, dinner was what it was, and if another bird approached, it would most certainly meet the same fate. Chewing and grinding away, his eyes glazed over, he cared less how this came to be and continued to spit in all directions while wiping his bloody chin with his filthy rags.

Like a fallen angel, he wanted power. He worked for evil and fought against good. Only he could orchestrate the details of these crimes so expertly executed as a way to run folks out so he could command the stage. Tall, slender, and disheveled looking, he’d been surviving in the depths for quite some time. The comfort associated with his brand of chaos led him to the loneliest of places, and there he reveled.

Not understanding his own emotional insecurities, he chose evil as a basis from which to operate. He had settled into a routine of madness, which was now in the director’s chair of Sandry Lake.

And from where did this emerge?

As his eyes revealed a sliver of perceived childhood trauma, feeling lonely and unloved, second and not first, feeling left out perhaps, his internal emptiness spilled over, and he hung his head momentarily. Once happy, he somehow became willing to trade his hand for the dark side, surely to gain attention and a sense of power that would fill an enormous void. Perceived or imagined, his hurt was real. But it would not slow him down on his journey to destruction.

Compared to Sandry Lake, nightfall in Danville Heights had quite the opposite effect. Children’s eyes fluttered as they winked themselves to sleep, quieted down, and settled-in for the night. For these were the common routines of the peaceful valley.

There was only one thing aside its normal during this particular twilight: five boys lay wide awake sensing each other. They responded to instincts that they did not question, but also did not understand. The day had been long and rest would normally be embraced, but this evening had a tale to be told.

Jordan found himself ruffling through his black sweat clothes, and he got dressed, opened his window, and jumped outside. Every single one of the boys followed suit, all dressed in black athletic gear, and three in hoodies. They briskly walked toward the preserve deep into the night. They were transfixed on the north and not speaking to each other, but occasionally traded glances as their respective senses burned away.

By way of mystery, the incident with the floating light balls had caused a hypersensitive reaction with their senses, and Jordan could literally hear the altercation between the citizen and the goon unfolding. Alex licked his lips, his tongue protruded, and then it went back in and out again. Kinsu’s vision sharpened like a razor’s edge, and he led the way. And as they picked up the pace, they gained incredible speed. From calm to chaotic, their worlds would change in a flash.

As if to run off to save our very own lives, the boys charged ahead and never looked back, although uncertain of the path they were on. Enveloped by the night, they felt strangely at home moving into dark shadows. They felt a certain power as allies on this journey, which was now quite a ways from home.

The boys’ actions brought an anticipated interruption to the Dark Stranger who was resting, knowing fully that this day would come. Aware of the infancy of the situation, he quickly sprung to his feet, but decided to use reservation in measuring the boys. He could sense them, feel them, even being able to see them running toward Sandry Lake.

He shared similar instincts and sensations to the boys, but these connections had yet to be made. Sensing their urgency, he followed them to this dark place, his black hood wrapped tightly while his cape-like covering embraced the wind and advanced his commanding presence.

Akin to an alarm clock from hell, these new, powerful instincts coupled with nightfall would prove to be bolder than ever in the history of Danville Heights. The boys could have ignored this calling, fought its beckon, but this would prove to be out of alignment with fate. As they tore into Sandry Lake, whipped air encircled a crooked, dangling sign that ironically read: Welcome to Sandry Lake. It swung left to right in a squeaky and unwelcoming manner.

They stopped in their tracks taking view of this evil domain, which loomed large above them. Underfoot, filthy trash served as their greeter, while broken glass and coarse rubble served as their guide. Moving forward slowly, they surveyed the area leading to the altercation. Rhee could smell the goon while pinpointing his exact location.

Filthy or not, Chase stooped down and put his hands on the ground to feel for human vibrations that may have been surrounding them. Kinsu remained laser focused on his target, leading the way with Jordan next to him taking in every harsh word spit out by the goon, who then slapped the citizen causing him to crash to the ground. He grabbed at the citizen’s back pocket, ripping his pants in an effort to steal his wallet because he had refused to hand it over. With his makeshift weapon knocked away, the citizen had become defenseless. He flipped over on his back to use his legs as a last, self-protective resort.

Now upon the scene, Alex rushed toward the goon, and out of nowhere, handled him with finesse in a style of martial arts for which he had never been trained. Every single one of the boys had the same skill. Coupled with their newfound instincts, they made for serious human weapons against which the thug could not prevail.

Taking him down was one thing, but when three more came out of the shadows armed with sharp, spiked weapons, the brewing battle took a turn. The boys quickly and strategically synchronized to whip and outsmart these thuggish creatures. A furious fight ensued with two-on-one, one-on-one, one-on-three, and all in between. The boys realized they were pitted against a vicious band of cruelty accustomed to roaming in dark places and causing mayhem at will.

Mean and muscular, the goons fought back with precision, punching and slapping into eternity. But the boys’ sudden martial arts mastery was unleashed upon these dreadful hooligans, and their detailed, accurate moves dazzled in the twilight.

“Two more, left,” said Chase as two more thugs joined the fracas. Their uninvited presence agitated the boys.

With the Dark Stranger witnessing it all, he allowed the boys to handle themselves, and he remained reserved. The night wind moved in and out of his black hood and framed his handsome face and his long hair.

Spinning, punching, kicking, and calculating every move, the boys ripped into the thugs with fury knocking each one unconscious, sprawled out for all to see. Like a mound of sorry, soggy laundry, the goons were piled high and left for their maker, whoever that might be hiding in the shadows.

And with the same laser sharp vision afforded to Kinsu, he saw what happened and could not believe his eyes. Members of his own army defeated, representative of weakness and a pathetic emptiness? He stood up boldly with the dead chicken dangling in his hand, blood dripping to the ground, realizing he had no conceivable idea of who these boys were. Their prowess struck him, for he knew he would need to assemble quickly in order to defend his perch.

With that blanket of deep charcoal hanging over his head, he could do nothing besides keep his feet planted right where they were. Somehow, he too could sense them, and he knew he would need to go deep in order to prevail. But the night sky offered zero comfort to anyone involved, and a new chapter had emerged. But how it would unfold remained as cloaked in darkness as he himself.


And now here’s the book trailer!


And now for the giveaway!

(20) ecopies of The Urban Boys by K.N. Smith

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About the Author:

kn smith K.N. Smith is an American author and passionate advocate of childhood and family literacy programs throughout the world. She continues to inspire students of all ages to reach their highest potential in their literary and educational pursuits. An established non-fiction writer, Smith chose the teen fiction genre as a way to enhance her daughters’ (then) high school literary experience, and to engage other youth in literacy development. Her creative literary flair offers young and mature readers central themes of loyalty, responsibility, honesty, fear, and triumph. As a result, scenes become artfully integrated with cinematic-level action and high drama. Her stories twist, turn, and grind through elements of science-fiction and action-adventure in diverse, exciting, edge-of-your-seat narratives. As an ardent supporter of youth and family literacy programs across the globe, she states, “My hope is that The Urban Boys will spark imagination in a wide variety of readers while elevating global literacy efforts. It’s important that we have diverse families of readers for generations to come.” K.N. Smith has over twenty years experience in writing, communications, and creative design. She lives with her family in California.

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Blog Tour: Girl Divided Two by Suzie T. Roos (Excerpt + Giveaway)

GDT_TourBadge Hey everyone! I’m so excited to be on the blog tour for Girl Divided Two by Suzie T. Roos. Today, I have an amazing excerpt to share with you! First, here’s more information about the book:

Title: Girl Divided Two
Author: Suzie T. Roos
Author Location: St. Louis, MO
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary Romance
Series: Spoken For #2
Release Date: October 20, 2015
Publisher: Jacques Day Publishing
Format: Digital eBook
ISBN: 978-0-99629-423-2


Life was supposed to get easier…

At least that’s what Tatum had hoped. New school year, great boyfriend…and things with her and Zach were supposed to be wonderful. Fairy tale wonderful.

They aren’t.

Zach’s overbearing family controls his every move—and worse, they want to control Tatum. Now Zach is pressuring her to ‘speak for him’, which means she’ll not only be committed to him but also his mob family. Where’s the guy she fell in love with? To make matters worse, her friends introduce her to Nigel, the new guy who is more tempting than Tatum wishes.

So which will Tatum give in to … coercion or temptation?

Find out in GIRL DIVIDED TWO, the newest installment in Suzie T. Roos’s exciting series that blends edgy with a splash of innocence and a smidgen of humor, releasing October 20, 2015.

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And now here’s the excerpt. Enjoy!

One of the attorneys turned around and stopped the media from following farther. The reporter shoved a microphone in his face.

“Does Mr. Bertano have connections to Switzerland?” one newswoman asked.

“What evidence do they have against your client?” another reporter shouted out.

That got the lawyer’s attention. “None. They have no evidence against Mr. Bertano. He has not been arrested, nor has he been charged. Now . . . if you could give Mr. Bertano the courtesy of not being treated like a criminal, we’d appreciate it. Thank you.” He walked off, even more pissed.

The camera cut back to the first reporter. “Reporting live from the federal courts downtown, I’m Laurie Summers. John, Spencer . . . back to you in the newsroom.”

“Thanks, Laurie.” The camera focused on one guy behind the desk. “We’ll keep you posted on any development in that story.”

They moved on to weather.

What a relief Zach wasn’t there. If he had been, I hadn’t seen him in the dark.

“Tatum, we should talk,” my dad said.

“About what?” I replied, still not taking my eyes off the TV. For some reason, my imagination was scanning all of Sergio’s features.

Mother let out an obnoxious huff. “About your boyfriend. Now, he wasn’t on TV, but that appeared to be his family. Tatum, we do not need to get wrapped—”

“We don’t know who that was.” I jerked my head toward her. I felt my nostrils flaring as I continued to yell, “Bottom line. Did you see Zach? No.”

“Tate, calm down. What your mother is trying to say—”

“I heard what she said.” I damn near snapped my neck by whipping my head from side to side so fast. “She’s going to make me break up with him because that may—or may not—have been his uncle. So what if it was? What if he never talks to him? You and Mom both have family you don’t talk to. So don’t—”

“Tatum. Calm down. And stop yelling at us.” My dad took a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders. “Look . . . find out what’s going on. I’m pretty sure that’s an uncle of Zach’s. What they’re taking him in for is very serious, Tate. Very serious. But you know that.”

“I know.” Another hushed response.

“Have you even considered how this affects you?”

“Me? No. What do you mean?” I wasn’t sure what Dad was getting at, but by his heavy breathing and sighing, his patience was wavering.

“Since you’re dating one of them, the police could pull you in for questioning. That’s how they work. They question everyone in the suspect’s circle.”

“I don’t know anything. I’ve never even met them.” My heart pounded so fast it hurt my chest. The police? Questioning? My thoughts went straight to a small, dreary-looking room with a one-way mirror.


And now for the giveaway! Suzie is offering visitors three awesome prizes during her Girl Divided Two Tour event! One (1) Grand Prize winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card, and two (2) Runners-up will receive an eBook copy of Girl Spoken For in the format of their choice. To enter, please fill out the Rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


DSCF9943 (3)-2 About the Author:
Suzie T. Roos is from, and has settled in, St. Louis with her husband, two children and a number of foster pets at any given time.

She and her husband have lived everywhere from Philadelphia, PA to out West in Santa Monica, CA. They’re thankful they could expose their children to different American lifestyles and cultures.

Besides writing, Suzie’s hobbies include movies, traveling, and especially concert going with her husband and friends.

She’s always been an animal lover and animal rights advocate. She is certified by FEMA in IS-00011.a Animal in Disasters: Community Planning. She’s also an active volunteer at the Humane Society of Missouri.

Connect with Suzie

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Blog Tour: If You Wrong Us by Dawn Klehr (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Hey everyone! Today I’ve got a spotlight post, plus an awesome excerpt, for If You Wrong Us by Dawn Klehr to share with you for the blog tour! Plus, don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post for the chance to win some awesome prizes!

If You Wrong Us final
Title: If You Wrong Us
Author: Dawn Klehr
Publisher: Flux
Release Date: October 8, 2015
Length: 240 Pages
ISBN: 9780738745992

If You Wrong Us is “an intricate psychological page-turner that explores the darker side of vengeance and reads like *Gone Girl* through a teen lens.”Kirkus Reviews.


Becca and Johnny become entangled after a car crash steals the lives of two people they love. Officially, the crash is an accident. But Becca and Johnny are convinced: someone did this.

As they plot revenge against the person responsible, a bond—intense, unyielding, and manic—takes hold of them. And in an unexpected turn of events, they fall for each other.

Or so they think.

In an upside-down world where decay is beautiful and love and hate become one, Becca and Johnny find themselves grappling with reality. Nothing is exactly what it seems, including what they’ve come to believe about the crash. Question is: will they learn the truth before it’s too late?

No. The question is: when they learn the truth, will they care?


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Buy If You Wrong Us on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes

And now here’s the excerpt! Enjoy!

I left the room first. I couldn’t stand to be in there any longer. The florescent lights; the stale ammonia scent; the look on my parents’ faces.

Down the hall and around the corner, the special waiting room was empty and the refrigerator was full of juice boxes. They’d become a comfort for me in here—something sweet to coat all the bitterness rotting my insides. I closed my eyes and tried to block out everything. I tried to forget, until light footsteps caught my attention. I kept my eyes closed because I didn’t want anyone to bother me.

Please, please just go away.

“Becca?” a small soft voice called out. It was a voice in between—deep and crackling, yet still high enough to sound feminine.

Ethan Kent.

He walked over to me carrying a bouquet of daisies. It was like a scene out of a Disney movie: a just-pubescent boy with short sandy hair and proper manners making a kind gesture to set everything right.

“I brought these for your sister,” he said.

He handed the flowers to me; I didn’t take them. They were bundled together in that cheap plastic wrap, devoid of all smell. They reminded me of Travis. Appealing on the outside, but nothing of value on the inside.

“I’ll just set them here,” he said, putting them on the seat next to mine.

“Is this some kind of joke?” I asked him. “Did your perverse brother put you up to this?”

Ethan didn’t need to answer. I knew Travis had sent him here to show me he was in control, that he could do whatever he wanted. But this time, he’d messed with the wrong person. I’d been under my sister’s thumb for as long as I could remember, and I wasn’t about to be controlled again. Never again.

That day, a fire ignited in me. Heat that had been there under the surface, waiting. This move by Travis was the match that set it ablaze.

“What do you mean?” he asked, taking a step backward.

“She’s dead. She’s dead! ” I jabbed his chest with my finger.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “We didn’t know. Travis didn’t think you’d see him, so he sent me.

He’s worried about you.”

“He should be worried about me.” I stood up, physically unable to be still. “He should be very worried.” Ethan’s face twisted into something less Disney and more Stephen King. He trembled as his eyes cast down.

“Don’t say that,” he said.

I smiled. Ethan was scared of me. I stood a little taller, taking up more space in the room. He took another step back. I put on this new role like a welcome down jacket in a frigid Detroit winter. It was warmth and safety. I was finally the person on the offense rather than defense. I was in control and it was a heady feeling. One I’d eventually become hooked on.

And now for the giveaway! Dawn is offering up some fabulous prizes during her If You Wrong Us Virtual Tour event. One (1) lucky grand prize winner will receive a $25 Gift Card for Amazon or B&N (winner’s choice) and two (2) runner-ups will win an eBook copy of Dawn’s young adult psychological thriller The Cutting Room Floor! To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


dawnklehr About the Author:

Dawn Klehr is the author of the young adult thrillers: The Cutting Room Floor and If You Wrong Us.

She began her career in TV news and though she’s been on both sides of the camera, she prefers to lurk behind the lens. Mostly, she loves to get lost in stories – in film, the theater, or on the page – and is a sucker for both the sinister and the sappy. She’s currently channeling her dark side as she works on her next book.

Dawn lives in the Twin Cities with her funny husband, adorable son, and naughty dog. You can find her at:, @dawnklehr, or

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Blog Tour: Entrusted by Allegra Gray (Guest Post + Giveaway)

Hey everyone! I’m so excited to be a part of the blog tour for Entrusted by Allegra Gray (September 8, 2015, Silverthorne Entertainment). Today, I have an awesome excerpt and a fun guest post to share with you, plus a giveaway! First, here’s more about the book:


To protect her country’s future, she’ll have to commit treason…

ENTRUSTED by Allegra Gray is a stunning historical Young Adult masterpiece of suspense, hope, and determination. This story follows orphaned Audrey as she’s tasked with keeping ancient relics safe from tyrannical hands and their unholy deeds. With the help of a charming adventurer, Tobias, Aubrey must do all she can to protect the relics she’s been entrusted to guard…even if it costs her life.


Orphan Audrey Thorndale longs for the peaceful life of a convent, but with a younger brother to care for and England’s religious houses falling one by one to Henry VIII’s Reformation, she’ll have to find another way to serve God and country. The Abbot of Glastonbury, aware of Audrey’s dilemma and loathe to see the great treasures of his abbey looted and destroyed, suggests a plan that could save Audrey, the relics, and even the future of Britain…but if she agrees to it, she’ll have to commit treason.

Second son and sometime adventurer, Tobias Seybourne has never left an opportunity unexplored. He’s won the favor of the king, and is aiming for knighthood, when Abbot Whiting offers him the chance of a lifetime—partner with Audrey, and protect England’s greatest legend. Most importantly? Do it without ever giving the king a reason to suspect more devious purposes simmer beneath Tobias’s charming façade.

With help from the abbot, Audrey and Tobias set in motion a plan to ensure that when the abbey walls crumble, one particular treasure will be safely hidden elsewhere.

But as the abbot points out, the king’s minions keep close account of their plunder, and the contents of Glastonbury’s repository are well documented.

With the king’s men bearing down fast, someone must take the fall…

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And now for the excerpt! Enjoy!

“You are worried that Glastonbury is in peril, and the treasures it holds will end up in the king’s coffers.”

“Yes—and no.” He eyes me. “It’s more complicated than that. You must not repeat anything you are hearing right now.”

“No, Father Abbot. Never.” If there is one thing I am, it is loyal.

“When I combine what I know—what I, myself have seen and heard—with what the monks who have already lost their homes tell me, I see a future in which certain relics of Glastonbury never make it to the king’s coffers, but are destroyed instead.” He shakes his head sadly. “The idea that the holy relics would go into the king’s hands was disturbing enough, but to destroy them? Sacrilege.

“Again, I must emphasize the importance of not repeating this conversation—to anyone. Not even Sam. The Treason Act is too loosely interpreted these days to take chances.”

I gulp, cursing myself for giving in to curiosity. Now it is my hands that tremble. I should tell him to stop, that I don’t want to hear any more, but my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth. I should never have asked what was troubling him. And yet, I have the sense we have set on an irrevocable course, and I must see it through.

Finally, I pry my tongue loose. “I appreciate your honesty, Father Abbot.”

“Should Glastonbury fall, the treasures that can be measured in gold and silver will most certainly find a new home—whether it be the royal treasury or a pilferer’s stash. It is the others that trouble me.”

He rubs his temples, as though even thinking hurts. I begin moving about the room again, straightening things, dusting surfaces…the little, normal, everyday movements that I know, somehow, provide the backdrop of comfort that Abbot Whiting needs right now.

“You remember those visitors from Walsingham? They informed me that the shrine there, the shrine to the Virgin, which the king himself has visited, has been destroyed. The statue of the Virgin removed, the shrine itself despoiled, and the buildings looted. The same happened at Roche Abbey this summer.”

Finally, it sinks in, and I know exactly which of Glastonbury’s relics—one with no value in gold, but still of immeasurable worth—is troubling him so.

I stop dusting. My tongue, now loosened, does not have the sense to stop.

“If Glastonbury falls, what will become of King Arthur?”

And now for the guest post! Enjoy!

Fiction, History, and the Tower of London

Warning / (*minor spoiler alert*): The post below does contain some references to events that happen in Entrusted, Book 1 of the Relic Guardians series. There are NO major plot reveals, but I do talk a little bit about what I envisioned was going on “behind the scenes” when I was researching and writing the book.

Entrusted GP 1 

In Entrusted, the main character, Audrey, is held prisoner for a few weeks in the Tower of London. This is, of course, the same place where many of England’s most notable prisoners have been held—often because they posed a threat to the ruler at the time, regardless of whether proof existed that they’d committed any crime.

In the days before forensics and paper trails (or digital trails), a few whispers and rumors could constitute treason, if the monarch had reason to suspect. Prisoners could also be used as leverage…e.g., by holding an innocent wife or child, they might eke a confession out of the husband, in exchange for the promised release of his loved ones. Although it’s not explicitly used as a plot device in Entrusted, I kind of envisioned that this would be one reason they would hold Audrey—in the hopes that one of the other key characters would be arm-twisted into saying something they otherwise wouldn’t.

If you’ve had the good fortune to visit the Tower of London, you might think of creepy stone passages and torture devices. I first visited at the age of 13, and that is definitely what made an impression on me—not the crown jewels, or the impressive suits of armor (well, those were pretty cool, too). I’m not the only one… see the still below from the movie “The Tower of London” from 1962, in which “The twisted Richard III is haunted by the ghosts of those he has murdered in his attempt to become the King of England.” (

Entrusted GP 2 

However, the reality is that the Tower of London was not originally built to be a prison, and not all of its “prisoners” were treated equally. In fact, it was a royal residence for many years, and had buildings for a number of administrative functions. Thus, when it was used as a prison, the prisoners were accommodated wherever it was convenient to put them at the time, and also befitting their station. There was a certain prestige that came with nobility, and some prisoners had suites of rooms, family members, and even servants to join them. For these “lucky” ones, their stay was like being under a modern-day house arrest.

Of course, being of noble blood was no guarantee you wouldn’t eventually lose your head on the executioner’s block. But some, such as Henry VIII’s first wife, were eventually released and allowed to retire in the countryside. As for torture, the Privy Council had to sanction the use of torture, so it was not used indiscriminately; between 1540 and 1640, the peak of imprisonment at the Tower, there were 48 recorded cases of the use of torture. That’s not to say there weren’t some unrecorded cases…

One the most infamous and chilling tales of the Tower of London is that of the two young princes who “went missing” while there. (If you are a fan of Philippa Gregory’s books, you’ll recognize this event in The White Queen).

Shortly after the death of Edward IV in 1483, the notorious murder of the Princes in the Tower is believed to have taken place. Edward V’s uncle, Richard, the Duke of Gloucester, was declared Lord Protector because Edward was too young to rule. Traditional accounts have held that the 12-year-old Edward was confined to the Tower of London along with his younger brother Richard. The princes were last seen in public in June 1483, and many historians suspect they were murdered later that summer. At any rate, they were never seen again, and the Duke of Gloucester was proclaimed King Richard III in July. Bones thought to belong to the two princes were discovered in 1674 when the 12th-century forebuilding at the entrance to the White Tower was demolished; however, the reputed level at which the bones were found (ten feet) would put the bones at a depth similar to that of the recently discovered Roman graveyard found a few hundred yards to the north. No one can say for certain what happened. (You can find more detail at

A blog post is not the place for a full accounting of all the interesting historical events that occurred at the Tower of London, but there are many books and websites devoted to the topic for those who wish to know more. (And if you’re in the area, by all means, take a tour!).

I’ll conclude by saying that when I sat down (okay, flopped down on my office rug) to research the Tower of London for the scene(s) in Entrusted, I definitely got sucked in to the vivid history and speculation surrounding this famous landmark.

The more I read, the more I was reminded of the phrases “truth is stranger than fiction” and “you can’t make this stuff up.” Of course, being a fiction writer, I have to try… :)


Join the Entrusted Blog Tour September 7th to 18th! One grand prize winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card! Enter HERE or through the form below!

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Visit any or all of the following blogs for your chance to win!


Coffee Books & Art

Reviews by Crystal

3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too!


Fresh Fiction Blog

Sapphyria’s Book Reviews

Hope to Read


Avid Reader Musings

My Reading Reality

Mommabears Book Blog


StoreyBook Reviews

Pandora’s Books

Becky on Books


Juicy Tidbits


Delilah Devlin’s Blog


The Paperback Princesses


Crystal’s Chaotic Confessions


Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books!



Mama Reads Hazel Sleeps

T&L Book Reviews

Evermore Books


AuthorAbout the Author:
Allegra Gray grew up with her nose in a book and her head in the clouds—that is, when she wasn’t focused on more practical things like, say, learning calculus. Perhaps all those stories inspired a spirit of adventure, because at the age of seventeen she embarked on a career journey that has (so far) included serving as an officer in the U.S. Air Force, grad school at Virginia Tech, teaching English, and managing defense contracts in the Middle East. The best thing about this breadth of experience? When she tried her hand at writing novels like the ones she’d always loved, she recognized at once that she’d found a true passion. Her forthcoming series, The Relic Guardians, is genre-bending mainstream/historical suspense, inspired by her long-held desire to unveil things obscured by the mists of time. Allegra is also the author of four historical romances, including the “Daring Damsels” trilogy of Nothing But Scandal, Nothing But Deception, and Nothing But Trouble.

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Spotlight Tour: Smoked by Mari Mancusi (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Hey everyone! I’m so, so excited to be a part of the Spotlight Tour for Smoked by Mari Mancusi (September 1, 2015, Sourcebooks Fire). I’m a HUGE Mari Mancusi fan and this book sounds incredible! I’m very, very excited to read it! Today, I have an awesome excerpt and an interview with Emmy to share with you, plus a giveaway! First, here’s more about the book:

Smoked Cover Once upon a time the world burned.
Until a girl and her dragon smothered the flame.
But the spark that ignited the apocalypse never went out.
And the scorch is about to begin…

When Team Dragon rescues Emmy from the government lab, they think the future is finally safe. But they soon discover that Emmy has a secret—a secret so dangerous it could trigger the very apocalypse Connor and Caleb were sent back in time to prevent.

As a dragon hunter, Connor has committed his life to saving the world. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do to complete his mission…even if it meant betraying his brother and losing Trinity’s heart. Even if it meant doing the unthinkable.

But a desperate choice meant to prevent The Scorch, may be the spark that sets the world aflame once more.

The epic conclusion to the genre-bending Scorched series, which Melissa de la Cruz, New York Times bestselling author of the Blue Bloods series, called “A heart-pounding, twisty, time-travel fantasy.”


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Books-A-Million | Chapters | Apple

Here’s the interview with Emmy. Enjoy!

Full Name: Emberlyn
Nickname (if applicable): Emmy
Height: I’m growing bigger every day
Scale Color: Green
Eye Color: blue
Age: 1
Originally from: my egg was unearthed from a melting glacier.

Describe yourself in 200 words or less: I’m the world’s last dragon and I’m bonded to my Fire Kissed, Trinity Foxx, who helped me hatch from my egg. I love TV (my favorite show is the BBC’s Merlin) and scratches on my snout and behind my ears. I’m actually very loyal and loving, though many believe I am a monster that should be put down before my kind destroys the world. I also LOVE meat. All meat, but the bloodier/rawer the better. But no, I don’t eat humans so don’t worry!

What matters most to you? My Fire Kissed, Trinity. Her safety and happiness mean everything to me.

When not trying to save the world, how do you spend your time? I’m sort of limited in activities, as I have to keep out of sight. I love watching TV and eating though. Simple, satisfying pleasures.

If money was no object and you had 3 weeks of vacation from being on the run what would you do with your time? I would fly everywhere, stretching my wings and checking out the world. It would be amazing to have that freedom. Unfortunately I don’t think that’s in the cards for me. As I have learned firsthand, the world is not a place for dragons.

And now here’s the excerpt. Enjoy!

“Okay, Fire Kissed,” he said. “It’s showtime.”

Together they jumped out of the truck, slamming the doors behind them. Connor ran around the back, rolling up the door and pulling out a huge box. Trinity helped him heave it onto the loading dock.

“Are you okay in there?” she whispered to the box. “Perfect,” Nate assured her from inside. “You guys go on ahead. I should be close enough now to hack into their security cameras and get them offline.” He paused then added, “Good luck. Just don’t forget about me once you have your dragon.”

“Never,” Trinity assured him, patting the box. Then she rose to her feet and approached Connor. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

With confident, casual steps, they strode up to the guard, who was propped in a chair by the elevator, his feet up, nose in a book, completely ignoring the chaos around him. Guess deliveries weren’t in his job description. Connor gave him a small smile. “We need the elevator,” he informed him.

“Yeah, well, I need my ex-wife to get off my back,” the guard said lazily, snapping his gum. “We’ve all got problems.” Connor’s eyes zeroed in on him. “I don’t think you under- stand,” he said. “We need the elevator. We need to get upstairs. You need to let us in.”

Trinity drew in a breath, watching him work. She had to admit, Connor looked particularly hot when he was working to manipulate people’s minds. It was like he got this look in his eyes—those blue, glowing eyes of his—like he was some kind of Jedi Master or something. Truth be told, it kind of made her want to jump his bones. Not that this was the time or the place.

Pushing the inappropriate thought down, she turned back to his victim. Sure enough, the man’s face had gone slack, and he was staring up at Connor with vacant eyes. “You need the elevator,” he droned. “You need to get upstairs. You need me to let you in.”

Then, to Trinity’s excitement, he slowly rose to his feet, walked over to the elevator in question, and inserted his key. Just like that. A moment later, the doors yawned open. The guard looked at them expectantly.

Trin flashed Connor an approving look. You didn’t even need my help for that one, she teased.

Yeah, well, it’s all you from here on out, he shot back, but he looked pleased by the compliment all the same.

And now the giveaway! Two lucky winners will each win a complete set of the Scorched trilogy! To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter below:

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Mari MancusiAbout the Author:
Mari Mancusi is a two-time Emmy award-winning television producer and author of novels for adults and teens. A graduate of Boston University, she now lives in Austin, Texas with her husband and young daughter. When not writing or producing she enjoys traveling, snowboarding, reading fantasy novels, and her favorite guilty pleasure: video games.

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Paperback Release Day Launch: Beyond Fate by Heather Lyons (Cover Reveal + Excerpt + Giveaway)

Hey everyone! I’m so, so excited to be taking part in the paperback release day launch of Heather Lyons’ Beyond Fate, a novella told from Jonah’s POV! I absolutely adore Heather and all of her books, but I’m a HUGE fan of this series especially! You can check out my review for each book below:

A Matter of Fate (Fate #1)
Beyond Fate (Fate #1.5, Novella)
A Matter of Heart (Fate #2)
A Matter of Truth (Fate #3)
A Matter of Forever (Fate #4)

And now, without further adieu, the Release Day Launch, cover reveal and excerpt! Plus, don’t forget to enter the giveaway, at the very end of this post! Enjoy!


We are so excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for the paperback edition of Heather Lyons’ BEYOND FATE! BEYOND FATE is a Fate Series novella and is written in Jonah’s point of view. It is his side of the story from A MATTER OF FATE. Grab your copy of this amazing novella today!

And that’s not all! BEYOND FATE has gotten a cover makeover! This amazing new cover was created by Carly Stevens!

So, are you ready to see the cover??

Are you sure?

It’s gorgeous!

Okay, ready?


Here it is!

BEYOND FATE - New Cover 
Isn’t it gorgeous?!?!? And now here’s the official synopsis for Beyond Fate!

BEYOND FATE (Fate Series #1.5) Synopsis:

There are always two sides to every story . . .

His whole life, Jonah Whitecomb has strove to meet everyone’s expectations of him: the perfect student, dutiful son, loyal twin, accomplished surfer, and powerful Magical. But behind his carefully composed façade hides the truth of how his family has fallen apart, leaving Jonah more often than not feeling adrift. To complicate matters, he fell in love long ago with a girl in his dreams, one he’s never told anyone about, including his twin brother.

Just when life seems its bleakest, Jonah discovers that Chloe is real. Wanting to finally reach out and grab happiness for himself, he embarks on a journey to track down the girl of his dreams, only to find that happy endings aren’t always guaranteed, the best laid out plans can go horribly awry, and sometimes, you have to simply let yourself go along for the ride.

* Beyond Fate is Jonah’s point-of-view of the events of A Matter of Fate, and is a companion novella for the YA/NA crossover urban fantasy/romance Fate series.

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo


Now, we’ve got an epic Release Day Excerpt to share with you! Enjoy!

I remember Joey telling me once that, of all the big waves he’s ever ridden in his life, the one that got his blood pumping most was Mavericks. “It’s sick,” he said as we waxed our boards at one of his favorite breaks near his house in Australia. “Cold as all hell. Gotta be careful of the Boneyard nearby. There’s a reason they call it that, you know. The reef below loves nothing more than to welcome you to stay forever. But,” his easy grin slid out, “when conditions are right, and you can take off in the hollow and traverse the long wall before finishing in white water, your life flashes before your eyes. You’re flying through hell like a slingshot, only to come out in paradise.”

Obviously, it made me want to surf Mavericks so bad I could taste it.

When Kel and I first got to California, we’d wanted to come here together. Ride these waves in Joey’s honor. But that never happened.

He’s with Chloe right now, after yet another attack during which she walled both him and me inside a building and took off toward San Francisco in an effort to lead what we now know as Elders away. I know why she did it. I felt it the moment her resolutions within hardened—she believed she was protecting the people she loved. In a weird way, I was incredibly proud of her for it, even as I tore my hair out, trying to get the hell out of the tomb she sealed us in so I could get out there and protect her myself. Karl and I searched for her for hours . . .

And then she decided to gut me once more by calling my brother to go and get her.

So here I am, in the back of a boat, tugging the hood of my wetsuit over my head in the pursuit of some kind of nirvana high amidst the hell I’ve found myself in lately. Raul Mesaverde’s questioning my sanity for wanting to go out into the monster waves we’re heading toward, but I do my best to ignore my temporarily assigned Guard. We’re accompanied by one of Joey’s Wave colleagues, who’s come along upon Astrid’s insistence. I tried to assure her I knew what I was doing, but considering she pretty much had an anxiety attack after researching Mavericks and learning people have died here, I figured this was the lesser of two evils.

“You’re loco,” Raul yells at me over the boat’s engine.

I laugh. This? Coming from a Cyclone? Especially one who agreed to chauffeur Chloe on her crazy attempt to lure the Elders away?

The Wave we’re with turns away from the wheel and smiles. He’s crazy, too—because he’s got that same look in his eyes that Joey always had. Like the ocean is his temple. “Nah, bra,” he tells Raul. “Maverick’s all about enlightenment.”

Raul white knuckles the side of the boat. I completely tune him out and let myself slide into that place Joey taught me about so long ago.

“When you let yourself go,” he’d told me as we’d sat out beyond the breaks, “when you put yourself out there and really just let yourself go, knowing any second you could be swallowed whole by the ocean, you’ll realize that all of that shit you worry so much about—girls, school, parents, grades, work, responsibilities—they’re meaningless. Because it’s just you and the waves. They don’t give a rat’s ass what kind of day you’re having. They don’t care if you’ve just bagged the hottest girl in the worlds or if your dad thinks you’ve failed him. They’re gonna rise up and fall no matter what. Let yourself go along that ride, J. There’s worry enough for later.”

This is what I’m thinking as I’m waiting for my set to come.

When it does, I paddle hard. Anticipation and fear is just as strong on my tongue as the salt water surrounding me. I let my worries go.
This one’s for you, Joey.

I gladly fling myself into oblivion.


BEYOND FATE- New Cover Wrap


And don’t miss the first books in the Fate Series

A Amtter of Fate
A MATTER OF FATE (Fate Series #1)

BEYOND FATE (Fate Series #1.5)

A Matter of Heart
A MATTER OF HEART (Fate Series #2)

A MAtter of Truth
A MATTER OF TRUTH (Fate Series #3)

A Matter of Forever Cover
A MATTER OF FOREVER (Fate Series #4)


Author PhotoAbout Heather Lyons:

Heather Lyons writes epic, heartfelt love stories and has always had a thing for words. In addition to writing, she’s also been an archaeologist and a teacher. She and her husband and children live in sunny Southern California and are currently working their way through every cupcakery she can find.

Website | Author Goodreads


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InkSlinger Blogger Final

Blog Tour: Girl Spoken For by Suzie T. Roos (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Hey everyone! I’m so excited to be on the blog tour for Girl Spoken For by Suzie T. Roos. Today, I have an amazing excerpt to share with you, plus the book trailer! First, here’s more information about the book:

Girl Spoken For is the first in an all new YA series that is edgy with a splash of innocence and a smidgen of humor that fans of Some Boys by Patti Blount and Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles will enjoy.


I was “spoken for” by a Mob grandson, which was either terrifying or kind of cool – I wasn’t sure which one yet.

When the realities of life shatter her fragile innocence, Tatum Duncan’s courage and resilience are tested. She’s determined to be in control of her future. But the love of her life, Zach Bertano, and his mob family may have other plans.

Will she “speak for” Zach, like he has “spoken for” her? Or will Tatum walk away?


Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Kobo

And now here’s the excerpt. Enjoy!

“You May Need Me”

The route to the principal’s office would be a long and lonely walk. But I wasn’t alone. Zach Bertano was in the hall and headed straight for me. Zach, the loner guy every girl wanted but no one could get close to. We were friends, but he never asked me to do anything with him. He was just a “school friend”—a hot school friend. He was tall and slender. Not to mention I had a thing for guys with Johnny Cash black hair and onyx eyes. His smile was the only bright thing in my life at the moment.

Zach was “different.”

“Hey, Tate, I heard you get paged.” He stepped up to me.

His brightness warmed my soul like hot cocoa going down.

“Why did you take on ‘Neville the Devil’ by yourself yesterday? Then you skipped last period. What’s going on? Are you okay?”
I couldn’t breathe. Zach knew how to make me feel cared for. “I’m fine. And trust me, I’d rather have been in class than walking all the way home.”

He had one of those infectious laughs. “You walked? If I’d known, I could have driven you. That’s a long way. Now, tell me why you attacked Neville. What did he do this time?”

What girl thinks she can impress a guy by telling him she went postal on a jerk who asked for a blow job? “Plain and simple, he wasn’t a gentleman. And I’ve had . . . well, kind of a bad couple of weeks. I just wasn’t thinking straight. So here I am.”

He stepped closer, looking down at me. “I heard about your grandma—I’m real sorry, Tatum. I know how much she meant to you.”

It would have been easier if he’d stepped on my toes, but instead, Zach had to juggle the “I care” card.

The intercom clicked on. “Tatum Duncan, immediately report to the main office.”

I started to shake, knowing my life had come down to one decision. Dear god, my mother was right. It was over for me.

One suspension. Zero scholarships. Equaled Maryville.

The heater must have clicked on. The cami under my mom’s favorite poodle sweater from her high school days stuck to my body. When I’d asked her to wear her old sweater this morning it made her unreasonably happy, and she’d eagerly handed it over. Little did she know I’d planned on wearing it with a miniskirt and the combat boots she hated so much.

I adjusted my skirt and sweater. “Guess they’re looking for me. See ya, Zach.”

“Wait. I’ll go with you.”

I paused, looking back to examine his face. He was serious.

“Why? For what?”

He kept walking, passing me. “Because you may need me. Let’s go.”


And now here’s the official book trailer! Enjoy!


And now for the giveaway! The Grand Prize is a $25 Gift Card to Amazon or B&N (winner’s choice). To enter, complete the Rafflecopter below!

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Author PhotoAbout the Author:
Suzie T. Roos is from, and has settled in, St. Louis with her husband, two children and a number of foster pets at any given time.

She and her husband have lived everywhere from Philadelphia, PA to out West in Santa Monica, CA. They’re thankful they could expose their children to different American lifestyles and cultures.

Besides writing, Suzie’s hobbies include movies, traveling, and especially concert going with her husband and friends.

She’s always been an animal lover and animal rights advocate. She is certified by FEMA in IS-00011.a Animal in Disasters: Community Planning. She’s also an active volunteer at the Humane Society of Missouri.

Connect with Suzie

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Want to get to know Suzie better? Check out her Dear Reader post on Barclay Publicity’s Book Scoop Blog!


Spotlight Tour: Spelled by Betsy Schow (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Hey everyone! I’m so, so excited to be a part of the Spotlight Tour for Betsy Schow’s Spelled (June 2nd 2015, Sourcebooks Fire). This book is everything I love about reading, a book about a twisted fairy tale. I’ve been dying to get my hands on it since I stumbled across it on Edelweiss one day! I have a feeling it’s going on my Top Ten Books of 2015 list, so I’m honored to share an excerpt with you today. First, here’s more about the book:

SpelledFairy Tale Survival Rule #32: If you find yourself at the mercy of a wicked witch, sing a romantic ballad and wait for your Prince Charming to save the day.

Yeah, no thanks. Dorthea is completely princed out. Sure being the crown princess of Emerald has its perks—like Glenda Original ball gowns and Hans Christian Louboutin heels. But a forced marriage to the brooding prince Kato is so not what Dorthea had in mind for her enchanted future.

Talk about unhappily ever after.

Trying to fix her prince problem by wishing on a (cursed) star royally backfires, leaving the kingdom in chaos and her parents stuck in some place called “Kansas.” Now it’s up to Dorthea and her pixed off prince to find the mysterious Wizard of Oz and undo the curse…before it releases the wickedest witch of all and spells The End for the world of Story.


Amazon | B&N | BAM

!ndigo | IndieBound

Kindle | Nook

Advance Praise for Spelled

“A cute adventure with romance set in a world full of fairy-tale mash-ups. Readers will love Dorthea’s evolution from spoiled princess to strong, confident heroine… For Oz fans, this work is a great clean-read alternative to Danielle Paige’s Dorothy Must Die.” –School Library Journal

“This wickedly funny, fast-paced adventure has it all: brains, courage, and heart. (Plus a kickin’ pair of heels.) .” –Jen Calonita, author of The Secrets of My Hollywood Life and Fairy Tale Reform School series

“Fairy tale survival rule #1, do NOT read this book late at night. You will wake up your entire family with loud laughter. Fairy tale survival rule #2, if you love the Wizard of Oz, clever fairy tale mash-ups, and enough twists and turns to keep you guessing what will happen until the very end, you MUST read Spelled.” –J Scott Savage, award winning author of Farworld, Case File 13, and the Mysteries of Cove series.

A hilarious and snarky reimagining of the world of Oz, along with many other fairy tales injected throughout, “Spelled” is one fabulous read … Kick off those silver slippers and tuck in with this wonderful tale!” —Senator Sipes, Lil Book Bug (Palmdale, CA)

And now here’s the excerpt. Enjoy!

Most of the crowd had dispersed. The final few stragglers looked at me with the all ­too-common look of fear mixed with trepidation. Pix ’em. They were just servants. It wasn’t like their opinion mattered.

Only one remained, watching me with open curiosity. He looked to be in his late teens or was magically enhanced to appear so. He could have been a hundred for all I knew. I’d never seen him before in my life. He was handsome enough, for a commoner, even in his worn leather pants and cracked work boots. A foreigner, his hair was unruly and dark auburn, which complemented his tanned but dirt-smudged complexion, though the tall, dark stranger vibe was ruined by his piercing pale blue eyes.

Well, I’d had enough of being a sideshow for the day. “If you’re the new gardener, the hedges are overgrown and in need of a trim.” I pointed in the direction of my father. “While you’re there, you can help the king with the wisps.”

The young man’s expression clouded over, but he didn’t move.

I stamped my foot and pointed more forcefully. “Off with you. Courtyard’s that way. Be sure to clean those awful boots before coming back in.”

“Someone told me I’d find a princess of great worth here. One with the strength to be the hero this realm needs.” He stared at me with those unsettling blue eyes. They were cold, like ice water—made me shiver from head to toe. Then his gaze seemed to search even deeper. Finally, he looked through me, like I was nothing.

In brisk steps, he strode across the marble to the courtyard. But before crossing the threshold, he turned back to glare at me with his lip curled ever so slightly. “It seems she was mistaken.”

Just like that, I had been sifted, weighed, and found wanting.

I felt my own lip curl in response. How rude! Who the Grimm was this peasant to judge me? I was wearing a Glenda original. Original! Not some fairy-godmother knockoff worn by those servant girls turned royal. I was a crown princess, for the love of fairy, and no one dismissed me.

Before I could put the boy in his place—down in the dirt, where he belonged—a clatter came from behind, making me nearly jump out of my shoes. I checked and was relieved that Sterling had simply dropped his sword. By the time I looked back, the gardener was gone.

After stowing his blade, Sterling held up his shield, not in defense of the entrance but so he could look at his reflection. “Clearly he’s blind and doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

I didn’t ask for Sterling’s opinion, but it made me feel better.

Until he opened his mouth again.

“Worth, pffft. I mean, look around at all the jewels. Your palace has everything you could ever want. Honestly, I don’t know what you’re fussing about. Why would anyone want to leave?”

Because a cage is still a cage, no matter how big or glittering the bars are.

And I would find a way free, no matter the cost.


And now for the giveaway! Thanks to Sourcebooks Fire, we have a Spelled Gift Basket to give away to one lucky winner! To enter, please complete the Rafflecopter below!

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betsyAbout the Author:
Betsy Schow is the author of the memoir Finished Being Fat, and has been featured on The Today Show and in The Wall Street Journal. She lives in Utah, but travels the country with Color Me Rad 5k, and partners with nonprofits to teach kids creative thinking and how to reach their goals.

Website | Twitter


Author Spotlight: The Secrets of Attraction by Robin Constantine (Excerpt)

Hey everyone! I’m so, so excited to share with you an excerpt from Robin Constantine’s upcoming release, The Secrets of Attraction (April 28th 2015 by Balzer + Bray). First, here’s more information about the book:

Set in the same world as The Promise of Amazing, this smart, surprising, and romantic follow-up to Robin Constantine’s debut novel follows two New Jersey teens as they become friends and fall in love. Perfect for fans of Stephanie Perkins, Sarah Mlynowski, and Jennifer E. Smith.

Madison Pryce thinks she’s got everything figured out—she’s working on a portfolio for a summer art program and hanging with her friends. Plus she has her hot boyfriend, Zach. But then a visit from a family friend turns Maddie’s life upside down.

Jesse McMann is still reeling from a breakup that shattered his heart and his band. Then pride (and some goading from his bass player and fellow barista) forces him to find a new drummer—and the inspiration to write music again.

Kismet arrives in the unlikely form of Grayson Barrett, who tries out for Jesse’s band, and whose girlfriend is BFFs with the cute girl who orders a chai latte after yoga every Thursday: Maddie. What Jesse and Maddie thought they knew about the secrets of attraction and the rules of romance changes once they start falling for each other.


Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Book Depository | IndieBound

And now here’s the excerpt! Enjoy!

The only light in the room came from the dimly lit hallway. I pushed myself up to standing and brushed myself off before shutting the window. Desks were arranged in a semi-circle – and on the chalkboard – they still had chalkboards here? – was the quote “To be or not to be, that is the question.” Ha. Well played, universe.

When I opened my messages to IM Tanner, I already had two from him.

I’m in.

Side door to caf open.

For fucking real? I laughed. I felt stupid. Reckless. Alive.

I opened the door. The sound of the band – Kenny Ashe’s muffled voice screaming out a song I couldn’t decipher – echoed through the empty corridor. Farther down the hall, people milled around in front of two open doors. Cafeteria, maybe? I hugged the wall as I moved toward the action. As I got closer, I noticed a leggy silhouette turn the corner at the end of the hallway. The girl from the door. My heart shot into my throat. No fucking way was I getting kicked out after this. I ducked into the cafeteria, crouching a bit to get lost in a throng of kids who stood near the door.

I worked my way over to a vending machine and studied it as if my life depended on finding a healthy snack. In the reflection of the glass I could see that I was unnoticed, at least for the moment. I peered over my shoulder, scanning the room for Tanner. My eyes landed on a familiar looking girl in a black dress standing behind a long table covered in water bottles and several trays of cupcakes. Where did I know her from?


Someone tugged my jacket. I flinched and turned toward the voice.

Don’t forget to check out the next excerpt tour stop over at Bookish Things & More!


robin_about_smallAbout Robin:
Robin Constantine is a born-and-raised Jersey girl who moved south so she could wear flip-flops year-round. She spends her days dreaming up stories where love conquers all, eventually, but not without a lot of peril, angst, and the occasional kissing scene.

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