
Blog Tour: And I Darken by Kiersten White (Book Two Sneak Peak)

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Hey everyone! I’m incredibly excited to be a part of the And I Darken (June 28, 2016 – Delacorte Press) blog tour! I’m a HUGE Kiersten White fan and this book looks AMAZING!! So, today I’m sharing a sneak peak of book two with you! First, here’s more about the book:


No one expects a princess to be brutal.


And Lada Dragwlya likes it that way. Ever since she and her gentle younger brother, Radu, were wrenched from their homeland of Wallachia and abandoned by their father to be raised in the Ottoman courts, Lada has known that being ruthless is the key to survival. She and Radu are doomed to act as pawns in a vicious game, an unseen sword hovering over their every move. For the lineage that makes them special also makes them targets.

Lada despises the Ottomans and bides her time, planning her vengeance for the day when she can return to Wallachia and claim her birthright. Radu longs only for a place where he feels safe. And when they meet Mehmed, the defiant and lonely son of the sultan, who’s expected to rule a nation, Radu feels that he’s made a true friend—and Lada wonders if she’s finally found someone worthy of her passion.

But Mehmed is heir to the very empire that Lada has sworn to fight against—and that Radu now considers home. Together, Lada, Radu, and Mehmed form a toxic triangle that strains the bonds of love and loyalty to the breaking point.

From New York Times bestselling author Kiersten White comes the first book in a dark, sweeping new series in which heads will roll, bodies will be impaled . . . and hearts will be broken.


Visit to order now!


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And now for the Sneak Peak of Book Two! Enjoy!!

A Note from Kiersten:

I’ll admit, it feels a little weird to be giving a sneak peek for book two before And I Darken even comes out. It’s even weirder to be doing promo for the first book while editing the second and plotting the third! It’s a busy place in my brain these days.

I thought I’d give you a sneak peek of the first two passages (subject to change!) for each of our main characters, Radu and Lada. They don’t give away any real spoilers—but they do give an idea of what is in store for our dynamic brother-and-sister duo!

First, Radu:

The tendency to vomit within minutes of setting foot on a ship was deeply inconvenient for someone taking a tour of the Ottoman navy.

Radu leaned over the side of the boat and heaved until his stomach was empty, and then for a little while longer, for good measure. When he wiped his face and turned back around, he caught Mehmed sharing a sneering laugh with the men around him.

Radu felt even emptier than before.

So you can see, things are going great for him! But with dreamy-eyed, beautiful Radu, appearances are always deceiving . . . and in book two, he finds himself playing dangerous games on the biggest and most deadly stage possible, as the Ottomans lay siege to the jewel of Christian cities, Constantinople.

But where is our dear Lada?

It took only three fingers smashed beyond recognition before the would-be assassin screamed the name of Lada’s enemy.

“Well.” Nicolae raised his eyebrows, cut through with a vicious scar that had failed to fade with the passage of time. He turned away as Bogdan slit the young man’s throat. The heat of life leaving body steamed slightly in the frigid winter air. “That is disappointing.”

“That the governor of Brasov is against us, too?” Bogdan asked.

“No, that the quality of the assassins has gone down this low.”

Oh dear, it does look like the siblings Dracul are both in tight spots, doesn’t it? If Radu’s story is about the cost of pretending, Lada’s is about the cost of refusing to pretend. Alliances are formed and betrayed, thrones are won and lost, hearts are mended and broken. Lada and Radu were always meant for big things, and in book two they face the horror of the lengths they’re willing to go to.

I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek at what’s in store, and that you love And I Darken so much that you, too, are left heaving your meals up over the side of a boat in anticipation of book two! Wait. No. I hope you love it so much that you don’t vomit.


Kiersten White
 About the Author:
Kiersten White is the New York Times bestselling author of the Paranormalcy trilogy, The Chaos of Stars, and the psychological thrillers Mind Games and Perfect Lies. She has neither magic nor a pet bird, but wants both.

Kiersten lives with her family in San Diego, California.
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AND I DARKEN Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, May 30th through Friday, July 8th (Mondays through Fridays)

Monday, May 30th: Icey Books, Review
Tuesday, May 31st: Bookiemoji, Guest Post (Character Profiles)
Wednesday, June 1st: Seeing Double in Neverland, Review
Thursday, June 2nd: Alexa Loves Books, Playlist Post
Friday, June 3rd: Awesome Book Nut, Review

Monday, June 6th: Jessabella Reads, Review
Tuesday, June 7th: The Eater of Books!, Top Five Roundup
Wednesday, June 8th: Across the Words, Review
Thursday, June 9th: Pandora’s Books, Sneak Peek for Book Two
Friday, June 10th: Tales of the Ravenous Reader, Review

Monday, June 13th: A Midsummer Night’s Read, Review
Tuesday, June 14th: The Irish Banana Review, Top 10 Guest Post
Wednesday, June 15th: Stories & Sweeties, Review
Thursday, June 16th: Jenuine Cupcakes, Author Mystery Guest Post
Friday, June 17th: The Soul Sisters, Review

Monday, June 20th: Winterhaven Books, Review
Tuesday, June 21st: Two Chicks on Books, Q&A (4-6 questions)
Wednesday: June 22nd: The Book Swarm, Review
Thursday, June 23rd: Read. Sleep. Repeat., Top Five Fantasy Books Kiersten Loves to Re-Read
Friday, June 24th: Please Feed The Bookworm, Review

Monday, June 27th: Comfort Books, Review
Tuesday, June 28th: Fitshun, Q&A
Wednesday, June 29th: Addicted Readers, Review
Thursday, June 30th: Lindsay Cummings, Movie Casting Post
Friday, July 1st: Rabid Reads, Review

Monday, July 4th: Reading Teen, Review
Tuesday, July 5th: YA Bibliophile, Guest Post (Trip to Romania)
Wednesday, July 6th: Carina’s Books, Review
Thursday, July 7th: Mundie Moms, Author Mystery Guest Post
Friday, July 8th: Bookishness and Tea, Review
Friday, July 8th: My Friends Are Fiction, Surprise Post!

Spotlight Post: Bloodcraft by Amalie Howard (Excerpt)

Hey everyone! Today, I’m excited to share with you an excerpt from Amalie Howard’s Bloodcraft, book two in the Cruentus Curse duology. I absolutely adore Amalie! She’s an amazing writer and Bloodcraft was an amazing book! First, here’s more about the book:

Bloodcraft*2016 Silver IPPY Winner in YA Fiction!

All magic has its price, and no one knows that better than Victoria Warrick. Gifted with a centuries-old blood curse, Tori has finally learned to master her blood’s demands and has emerged triumphant with Christian Devereux, a vampire overlord, at her side.

But the worst is yet to come …

In the infamous City of Lights, home to both the Witch Clans and the Vampire Council, Tori enrolls at the exclusive Belles Fontaines school in Paris, where she is faced with a devastating choice: choose Christian and be an outcast, or choose the coven and secure her place with the witches.

When the fate of the supernatural world is targeted by a sinister new threat, Christian and Victoria must unite their two warring species to defeat it. Their bond will be tested, twisted, and sorely weakened, and Tori will find herself in uncharted territory—a dangerous place to be when her blood’s magic has its own dark agenda.

But to save them all, she may have no choice but to invoke its deadly power.

*NOTE: Bloodcraft is Upper YA / New Adult (for mature content–violence, sensuality & language)

Amazon | Kobo | B&N

And now here’s the excerpt! Enjoy!

From Chapter Four of Bloodcraft – “The Art of War”

Lucian flinched, wondering why she was bringing up painful, ancient memories. She had chosen Christian over him, even before he had made her a vampire. Lucian often wondered if he had been the one to petition the Council to make her a vampire instead of Christian, whether she’d have accepted him as readily as she had Christian. He forced his jealousy back—she, like everyone else, had fallen for his brother first.
“You chose him,” he said flatly.

Lena sighed. “Yes. I chose him then, but I’m with you now. Regardless, I want you to know if I have to make the same choice between both of you now, I would choose you, Lucian. I stay here with you because I want to be with you. For no other reason. Do you understand that?” Lucian nodded, shaken by the feeling in her voice. He knew that she put up with his violent mood swings and his cruelty—because she did care for him in some way. Lena continued. “I meant what I said earlier. I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure that the Council doesn’t execute a death order on your head. If I have to beg for Christian’s help, I will. If I have to crawl, I will, no holds barred. And I don’t give a damn what you do to me because of your stupid pride, do you hear me?”

He crossed the room then and kissed Lena’s neck in exactly the same spot he’d mauled so savagely before. “I’m sorry,” he said. “And I understand. Forgive me?”

She nodded, standing in his embrace for a few minutes before pulling away. “We need to talk.”

“I thought we just did,” he said, walking over to pour himself some cognac. “Drink?” She ignored the invitation. “That was personal. This is different. Lucian, the next Council meeting is in a few weeks. You need to speak with Christian before then. He won’t listen unless you do it.”

“He wants me to beg.” It was not a question. Lucian’s voice was tight.

“No, he knows how you feel about saving people who don’t need saving, remember?”
She softened her next words, as if noticing the sudden shift in his mood. “He needs you to ask him, Lucian. That’s all. No more, no less. Don’t make it more than it is.”

Lucian jerked a hand through his cropped blond hair. She stared at him and he sighed. “Fine,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “I’ll talk to him.”

As he said the words, he saw the relief cross her face, and for the first time, felt a root of worry take hold. It took a lot to make Lena anxious. If the Council moved faster than either of them anticipated, his house of cards would be quick to come tumbling down. He’d speak to Christian and put the rest of his plan into place.

So far, if he was successful in instigating a coup against the leadership of the Council, he’d have the allegiance of three of the seven vampire Houses. He could call in blood favors with one more, which left only two to deal with, House Arcan and House Vesily, both of which were formidable opponents. To go up against them would be difficult, but not impossible. If he secured Kristos’s witch, that would bring an added advantage and the benefit of surprise. He’d have to move quickly, and if anything, Lena’s sense of urgency demanded it. Lucian smiled grimly.He had a lot to do in not a whole lot of time, but at least he planned to go down swinging.

He’d give them the showdown of their lives.


Don’t forget to check out Amalie’s other books!

The Cruentus Curse includes Bloodspell (picked as a Seventeen Magazine Beach Read) and Bloodcraft (which she wrote specifically for her wonderful readers!

The Riven Chronicles includes The Almost Girl and The Fallen Prince (newly released in April)


Amalie HeadshotAbout the Author:
AMALIE HOWARD grew up on a small Caribbean island where she spent most of her childhood with her nose buried in a book or being a tomboy running around barefoot, shimmying up mango trees and dreaming of adventure. 25 countries, surfing with sharks and several tattoos later, she has traded in bungee jumping in China for writing the adventures she imagines instead. She isn’t entirely convinced which takes more guts.

She is the award-winning author of several young adult novels critically acclaimed by Kirkus, Publishers Weekly, VOYA, and Booklist, including Waterfell, The Almost Girl, and Alpha Goddess, a Spring 2014 Kid’s INDIE NEXT title. Her debut novel, Bloodspell, was a #1 Amazon bestseller, and the sequel, Bloodcraft, was a national silver IPPY medalist. She is also the co-author of the adult historical romance series, THE LORDS OF ESSEX. As an author of color and a proud supporter of diversity in fiction, her articles on multicultural fiction have appeared in The Portland Book Review and on the popular Diversity in YA blog. She currently resides in Colorado with her husband and three children.

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Blog Tour: Exile for Dreamers by Kathleen Baldwin (Spotlight + Giveaway)

Hey everyone! I’m really, really excited to be on the blog tour for Exile for Dreamers by Kathleen Baldwin, the second book in the Stranje House series. I absolutely LOVED the first book (review here) and the second book has been just as amazing!

Check out more about the below below and don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Exile for Dreamers_1About the Book
Author: Kathleen Baldwin
Pub. Date: May 24, 2016
Publisher: Tor Teen
Format: Hardcover, eBook
Find it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Goodreads

A School for Unusual Girls is the first captivating installment in the Stranje House series for young adults by award-winning author Kathleen Baldwin. #1 New York Times bestselling author Meg Cabot calls this romantic Regency adventure “completely original and totally engrossing.”

Tess can’t run far enough or fast enough to escape the prophetic dreams that haunt her. Dreams bring nothing but death and grief, and Tess refuses to accept that she may be destined for the same madness that destroyed her mother. Until her disturbing dreams become the only means of saving Lord Ravencross, the man she loves, and her friends at Stranje House from Lady Daneska and her lover, the Ghost-agent of Napoleon, who has escaped from Elba. Can the young ladies of Stranje House prevail once more? Or is England destined to fall into the hands of the power-mad dictator?

“Enticing from the first sentence.” -New York Times Book Review

A School for Unusual Girls is a great next read for fans of Gail Carriger’s Finishing School series and Robin LaFevers’ His Fair Assassin series.


And now for the giveaway! Three winners will receive a finished copy of EXILE FOR DREAMERS. US/Canada Only.To enter, complete the Rafflecopter below!

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KathleenAbout the Author:
“I love adventure in books and in real life. I’ve roamed the Rocky Mountains, wandered the desert, enjoyed way too many classes in college, was stalked by a mountain lion, lost an argument with a rattlesnake, fell in love at least a dozen times, finally met and married my very own hero, and together we’ve raised four free-spirited children.”

Award-winning author – Kensington published four of Kathleen’s Regency romantic comedies, including MISTAKEN KISS, a Holt Medallion finalist. DIARY OF A TEENAGE FAIRY GODMOTHER, was a Golden Quill finalist. Her upcoming Historical YA series with TorTeen, A SCHOOL FOR UNUSUAL GIRLS, is a Junior Library Guild Selection and won a Marlene.

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Tour Schedule

Week One:
5/23/2016 – Once Upon A Twilight – Interview
5/24/2016 – Stories & Sweeties – Review
5/25/2016 – Curling Up With A Good Book – Guest Post
5/26/2016 – Lisa Loves Literature – Review
5/27/2016 – The Cover Contessa – Interview

Week Two:
5/30/2016 – The Best Books Ever – Review
5/31/2016 – A Dream Within A Dream – Guest Post
6/1/2016 – Wishful Endings – Review
6/2/2016 – BookHounds YA – Interview
6/3/2016 – Pandora’s Books – Spotlight

Blog Tour: Beware That Girl by Teresa Toten (Interview + Book Birthday Spotlight)

Hey everyone! Welcome to my stop on the Beware That Girl (May 31, 2016 – Delacorte Press) blog tour. This book looks AMAZING and I can’t wait to read it! So, of course, I’m beyond excited to be on this blog tour and even more excited to be celebrating Teresa’s Book Birthday with her by way of an awesome interview!

Here’s more about the book:

BTG For fans of We Were Liars, The Girl on the Train, and Gone Girl, this powerful psychological thriller with multiple mysteries is set against the backdrop of the megawealthy elite of New York City. Toten delves into the mesmerizing yet dysfunctional world of those who manipulate but seem ever so charming. With its gripping pace and Hitchcockian twists, Beware That Girl will keep readers guessing until the very last line.

The Haves. The Have-Nots. Kate O’Brian appears to be a Have-Not. Her whole life has been a series of setbacks she’s had to snake her way out of—some more sinister than others. But she’s determined to change that. She’s book smart. She’s street-smart. Oh, and she’s also a masterful liar.

As the scholarship student at the Waverly School in NYC, Kate has her work cut out for her: her plan is to climb the social ladder and land a spot at Yale. She’s already found her “people” among the senior class “it” girls—specifically in the cosseted, mega-wealthy yet deeply damaged Olivia Sumner. As for Olivia, she considers Kate the best friend she’s always needed, the sister she never had.

When the handsome and whip-smart Mark Redkin joins the Waverly administration, he immediately charms his way into the faculty’s and students’ lives—becoming especially close to Olivia, a fact she’s intent on keeping to herself. It becomes increasingly obvious that Redkin poses a threat to Kate, too, in a way she can’t reveal—and can’t afford to ignore. How close can Kate and Olivia get to Mark without having to share their dark pasts?

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IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Audible


And now for the interview! Enjoy!

Question: Congratulations on the release of Beware That Girl! What are your plans for release day?
Answer: I suppose a day of prayer and quiet contemplation is out of the question?? I’ll actually be writing all day (deadline) and then off to a giddy dinner celebration with friends and family.

Question: Beware That Girl has been described as Gossip Girl meets Gone Girl, and the kind of book that will appeal to fans of We Were Liars and The Girl on the Train. Think about those comparisons for a minute. What are the first three words/reactions that come to mind?
Answer: Oh. My. God!

Question: What inspired the plot for Beware That Girl?
Answer: Friendship. I know . . . but there really is nothing more complex or beautiful, and in this case terrifying than the relationship of two best female friends. I don’t outline or plot any of my books but for years I had in my head that first scene of two blonde girls in the ICU, one gravely injured and one a bit of a wreck sitting beside her. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I sat down to write to find out which girl was in which position and how they got there. I didn’t know how the book was going to end until I wrote the ending!

Question: According to the synopsis, Beware That Girl is “set against the backdrop of the megawealthy elite of New York City.” Why is this setting significant? Could the story have been told in any other setting?
Answer: I wanted/needed a glittering surreal backdrop of wealth and privilege so that the reader could taste and feel Kate’s intense yearning for it all. That degree of wealth also allows those girls a world of freedom that might not be available to them in another environment. Other cities do of course have strata of tremendous wealth but it’s not as deep and wide as New York City’s. I felt I needed a playground that was that big and that outrageous. Perhaps even more importantly, I lived in New York for a few years. I know the streets, the stores, the restaurants the aromas and the rhythms of the neighborhoods. I felt that “feel” for the city might be critical to the integrity of the story.

Question: Craziest thing you’ve had to Google for a work in progress?
Answer: Ha! I had to Google so, so many weird things for Beware That Girl! Google is a life-saving first step, but it usually has to be followed up by steps two, three and sometimes four. I Googled whether it was possible to kill someone with a Le Crueset frying pan and if there would necessarily be blood (I didn’t want blood). Then I had to confirm that with talking to a doctor friend. And then I had to have my poor husband stand with his back to me while I sort of swung the pan at him at various angles so I could get the trajectory and his fall position right.

Question: What are three must-have items when you sit down to write
Answer: Well, to start, nobody can be in the house but my dog, Cheever. I wander around trying out dialogue and reading bits out loud in full voice to see if the rhythm is right and to catch the biggest clunkers. It’s beyond embarrassing. So, I have to start with an empty house. Then I must have espresso coffees followed quickly by huge mugs of tea. In other words, when I sit down to write I’m a lonely, highly caffeinated author who talks to herself.

Question: What book are you currently reading?
Answer: I just finished a new and terrific YA fantasy called Julia Vanishes by Catherine Egan and I’m just going to start an old (1956) novel called Peyton Place because it’s calling to me.

Question: Are you working on anything new?
Answer: Yup, I’m in the middle of that must be alone, over-caffeinated talking to myself agony stage.


TTAbout the Author:
My earliest and most fervent ambition was to grow up and take my rightful place among the other mermaids. When cruel and insensitive adults crushed that dream by insisting that mermaids did not exist, I settled on the more mature aspiration of becoming an intergalactic astronaut. Then I realized that math would likely be involved. So, in the end, I went to Trinity College at the University of Toronto where I got a BA and then an MA in Political Economy taking great care not to take a single English or Creative Writing class. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was never ever going to be a writer. That would be silly, fanciful and well, unrealistic. And then I started to write…

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Big News: The World of The Hunger Games Auction on Thursday, May 20, 2016!


Hey guys! I have some REALLY exciting news to share with you! I was introduced to Invaluable and wanted to share this exciting news on behalf of Profiles in History, an auction house working alongside Lionsgate! On May 20, Invaluable will be teaming up with Profiles in History to auction off over 400 pieces of historic Hollywood memorabilia from The Hunger Games saga! All the info you need is below!


The World of The Hunger Games Auction starts at 11:00 AM PST on May 20 and will feature 450 noteworthy lots. The auction features props and outfits from all four of The Hunger Games films. Items include Katniss’ Mockingjay propaganda outfit from The Mockingjay – Part 1, Katniss’ District 12 hunting bow and signature brown leather jacket from The Mockingjay – Part 2, Peeta’s arena wetsuit from Catching Fire, as well as props used by characters President Snow, Gale Hawthorne, Effie Trinket, Haymitch Abernathy, and more.

But it’s time for The Reaping for these iconic pieces of memorabilia from The Hunger Games – an amazing opportunity for fans and movie enthusiasts alike to have a chance to own these props. Here are a few lots for example:

Katniss outfit
Lot 272: Katniss Everdeen Mockingjay propaganda ensemble from The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1
Estimated price: $15,000 – $20,000
Iconic “The Mockingjay” ensemble includes: a black canvas long sleeve zip-front jacket with interwoven nylon strap detail at the front, unique high collar piece descending into tiered shoulder pads, and integral black rubber forearm guard, a pair of black self-striped pants with cargo pockets retaining internal bias label marked “KE 5,” and a pair of black high-top boots with zipper and lace closures.
Katniss Bow
Lot 6: Katniss Everdeen hero wooden District 12 hunting bow from The Hunger Games
Estimated price: $8,000 – $12,000
Katniss’ signature hero wooden longbow used during her hunting trips with Gale in District 12. Measuring 59.75 in. long (unstrung), the longbow is crafted of dark stained wood and features wrapped twine reinforcement. Appears in The Hunger Games and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, as well as one of the final sequences in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2.
Katniss jacket
Lot 446: Katniss Everdeen hunting ensemble with bow from The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2
Estimated price: $12,000 – $15,000
Katniss’ instantly recognizable signature brown leather hunting jacket with elastic detail at sides and zipper front closure. Includes a long sleeve oatmeal henley retaining internal bias label marked “KE4,” and a pair of olive flat-front pants retaining internal bias label marked “KE 5,” an olive belt with metal buckle, and a pair of gray canvas Israeli low-lace boots.

Feel free to check out their other collectibles and movie props.



And to those of you participating in the auction: May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!

Blog Tour: The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi (Spotlight + Giveaway)

Hey everyone! Today I’ve got a spotlight post for The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi (April 26, 2016 – St. Martin’s Griffin) to share with you for the blog tour! Sadly, due to a death in the family, I wasn’t able to finish reading the book in time to review it for the blog tour. But what I’ve read so far is AMAZING and I’m very excited to be sharing this spotlight with you!

The Star-Touched Queen High Res Fate and fortune. Power and passion. What does it take to be the queen of a kingdom when you’re only seventeen?

Maya is cursed. With a horoscope that promises a marriage of Death and Destruction, she has earned only the scorn and fear of her father’s kingdom. Content to follow more scholarly pursuits, her whole world is torn apart when her father, the Raja, arranges a wedding of political convenience to quell outside rebellions. Soon Maya becomes the queen of Akaran and wife of Amar. Neither roles are what she expected: As Akaran’s queen, she finds her voice and power. As Amar’s wife, she finds something else entirely: Compassion. Protection. Desire…

But Akaran has its own secrets — thousands of locked doors, gardens of glass, and a tree that bears memories instead of fruit. Soon, Maya suspects her life is in danger. Yet who, besides her husband, can she trust? With the fate of the human and Otherworldly realms hanging in the balance, Maya must unravel an ancient mystery that spans reincarnated lives to save those she loves the most. . .including herself.

A lush and vivid story that is steeped in Indian folklore and mythology. The Star-Touched Queen is a novel that no reader will soon forget.

Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBooks


And now for the giveaway! Two winners will receive a finished copy of THE STAR TOUCHED QUEEN. US Only. To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


RoshaniAbout the Author:
Roshani Chokshi comes from a small town in Georgia where she collected a Southern accent, but does not use it unless under duress. She grew up in a blue house with a perpetually napping bear-dog. At Emory University, she dabbled with journalism, attended some classes in pajamas, forgot to buy winter boots and majored in 14th century British literature. She spent a year after graduation working and traveling and writing. After that, she started law school at the University of Georgia where she’s learning a new kind of storytelling.

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Tour Schedule:

Week One:
4/25/2016 – Dark Faerie Tales – Guest Post
4/26/2016 – Fiction Fare – Review
4/27/2016 – Once Upon a Twilight – Interview
4/28/2016 – Pandora’s Books – Spotlight
4/29/2016 – Two Chicks on Books – Interview

Week Two:
5/2/2016 – BookHounds YA – Review
5/3/2016 – The Eater of Books! – Guest Post
5/4/2016 – Mary Had a Little Book Blog – Review
5/5/2016 – Brittany’s Book Rambles – Interview
5/6/2016 – Storybook Slayers – Review

Blog Tour: Romancing the Nerd by Leah Rae Miller (Excerpt & Promo Post)

romancing the nerd leah rae miller 
Hey guys! I’m really excited to be on the blog tour for Romancing the Nerd by Leah Rae Miller today (April 5, 2016 by Entangled: Teen)!


14744489The Summer I Became A Nerd (Nerd, #1)

On the outside, seventeen-year-old Madelyne Summers looks like your typical blond cheerleader—perky, popular, and dating the star quarterback. But inside, Maddie spends more time agonizing over what will happen in the next issue of her favorite comic book than planning pep rallies with her squad. That she’s a nerd hiding in a popular girl’s body isn’t just unknown, it’s anti-known. And she needs to keep it that way.

Summer is the only time Maddie lets her real self out to play, but when she slips up and the adorkable guy behind the local comic shop’s counter uncovers her secret, she’s busted. Before she can shake a pom-pom, Maddie’s whisked into Logan’s world of comic conventions, live-action role-playing, and first-person-shooter video games. And she loves it. But the more she denies who she really is, the deeper her lies become…and the more she risks losing Logan forever.

Goodreads | Entangled Teen Page

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks


romancing-the-nerd-200x300Romancing the Nerd (Nerd, #2

Dan Garrett has become exactly what he hates—popular. Until recently, he was just another live-action role-playing nerd on the lowest rung of the social ladder. Cue a massive growth spurt and an uncanny skill at taking three-point shots in basketball and voilà…Mr. Popular. It’s definitely weird.

And the biggest drawback? Going from high school zero to basketball hero cost Dan the secret girl of his dorky dreams.

A band geek with an eclectic fashion sense, Zelda Potts’s “coolness” stat is about minus forty-two. Dan turning his back on her and the rest of nerd-dom was brutal enough, but when he humiliates her at school, Zelda decides it’s time for a little revenge—dork style. Never mind that she used to have a crush on him. Never mind that her plan could backfire big time.

It’s time to roll the dice…and hope like freakin’ hell she doesn’t lose her heart in the process.

Goodreads | Entangled Teen Page

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks

Kobo Buy | Amazon UK | Amazon CA




Read below for an excerpt from Zelda’s POV!

A tingle runs down my spine and stops in my stomach where it seems to bounce around, ping-ponging all over the place. My determination melts away and I grin. It’s a familiar grin, the kind that happens when a gif of a hot guy holding a puppy pops up on my Tumblr feed. But it feels unfamiliar in these circumstances. In real life. Caused by and directed at him.



Read below for an excerpt from Dan’s POV!

One side of Zelda’s mouth lifts in a defiant grin and her hazel eyes go from plain to nebula-like. My mind is telling me that the attraction I’m feeling can be chalked up to hormones and instinct. The rest of me just wants to see if her lip gloss doesn’t only smell like cotton candy but tastes like it, too.



leah-rae-millerAbout the Author:
Mother, wife, and YA author living on a windy hill in Louisiana. I love fuzzy socks, comic books, cherry coke, and brand new office supplies.

THE SUMMER I BECAME A NERD released Summer 2013 and ROMANCING THE NERD released in Spring 2016 from Entangled Teen.

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Blog Tour: The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas (Spotlight)

Hey everyone! Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas (April 19, 2016 – Delacorte) I really enjoyed this book and I’m really excited to be a part of this blog tour!


TDCThe Darkest Corners is a psychological thriller about the lies little girls tell, and the deadly truths those lies become.

There are ghosts around every corner in Fayette, Pennsylvania. Tessa left when she was nine and has been trying ever since not to think about it after what happened there that last summer. Memories of things so dark will burn themselves into your mind if you let them.

Callie never left. She moved to another house, so she doesn’t have to walk those same halls, but then Callie always was the stronger one. She can handle staring into the faces of her demons—and if she parties hard enough, maybe one day they’ll disappear for good.

Tessa and Callie have never talked about what they saw that night. After the trial, Callie drifted and Tessa moved, and childhood friends just have a way of losing touch.

But ever since she left, Tessa has had questions. Things have never quite added up. And now she has to go back to Fayette—to Wyatt Stokes, sitting on death row; to Lori Cawley, Callie’s dead cousin; and to the one other person who may be hiding the truth.

Only the closer Tessa gets to the truth, the closer she gets to a killer—and this time, it won’t be so easy to run away.


The INTRO, and EXCERPT were revealed on and linked to the IMMERSIVE dedicated website, which features original content to build intrigue around the string of girls who have gone missing along the Ohio River in Fayette.


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Blog Tour Schedule

3/14 Fresh Fiction
3/15 Jessabella Reads
3/16 Book Addict Confessions
3/17 Hollywood News Source
3/18 Undeniably (Book) Nerdy
3/19 Curling Up with a Good Book
3/20 Out of Time
3/21 Supernatural Snark
3/22 Live to Read, review
3/23 Dark Faerie Tales
3/24 Ex Libris
3/25 Reading with Cupcakes
3/26 The Reader Bee
3/27 The Eater of Books!
3/28 Reading Teen
3/29 Chapter by Chapter
3/30 Winter Haven Books
3/31 Once Upon A Twilight
4/1 Intellectual Recreation
4/2 The Hiding Spot
4/3 Carina Books
4/4 Cover Contessa
4/5 Me Read A Lot
4/6 The Writer Diaries
4/7 Whimsically Yours
4/8 Hook of a Book
4/9 Reading Nook Reviews
4/10 Downright Dystopian
4/11 Such A Novel Idea
4/12 Across the Words
4/13 Reviews From a Bookworm
4/14 Itching For Books
4/15 Waste Paper Prose
4/16 The Irish Banana
4/17 The Book Rat
4/18 YA Reads
4/19 No BS Book Review
4/20 Serenity’s Lovely Reads
4/21 Pandora’s Books


Kara Thomas Author PhotoAbout the Author:
Kara is the author of THE DARKEST CORNERS, coming from Penguin Random House/Delacorte Press in Spring 2016. She also wrote the Prep School Confidential series (St. Martin’s Press) and the pilot The Revengers for the CW under the pen name Kara Taylor. She’s represented by Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, or on the couch with her rescue cat, Felix.

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Sunday Street Team: Beyond the Red by Ava Jae (Spotlight + Giveaway)


Sunday Street Team is hosted by Nori @ ReadWriteLove28


Hey everyone! Today, I have a spotlight post for Beyond the Red by Ava Jae to share with you. Plus, we have a great giveaway for you to enter!

BTR cover Alien queen Kora has a problem as vast as the endless crimson deserts. She’s the first female ruler of her territory in generations, but her people are rioting and call for her violent younger twin brother to take the throne. Despite assassination attempts, a mounting uprising of nomadic human rebels, and pressure to find a mate to help her rule, she’s determined to protect her people from her brother’s would-be tyrannical rule.

Eros is a rebel soldier hated by aliens and human alike for being a half-blood. Yet that doesn’t stop him from defending his people, at least until Kora’s soldiers raze his camp and take him captive. He’s given an ultimatum: be an enslaved bodyguard to Kora, or be executed for his true identity—a secret kept even from him.

When Kora and Eros are framed for the attempted assassination of her betrothed, they flee. Their only chance of survival is to turn themselves in to the high court, where revealing Eros’s secret could mean a swift public execution. But when they uncover a violent plot to end the human insurgency, they must find a way to work together to prevent genocide.

Goodreads | Amazon


And now for the giveaway! To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Author picAbout the Author:
Ava Jae is a writer, an Assistant Editor at Entangled Publishing, and is represented by Louise Fury of The Bent Agency. Her YA Sci-Fi debut, BEYOND THE RED, is releasing March 2016 from Sky Pony Press. When she’s not writing about kissing, superpowers, explosions, and aliens, you can find her with her nose buried in a book, nerding out over the latest X-Men news, or hanging out on her social media.

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