Review Policy

(As of February 26, 2021) I am currently closed to all review requests, cover reveals, author interviews, release day posts and blog tours EXCEPT those that come from a publicist OR publisher OR those that come from someone I’ve worked with previously.

Also, PLEASE NOTE: My reading tastes/preferences have changed a LOT in the last year. I’ve been favoring romance books and contemporary fiction books more than I used to. Specifically, rom-com-type romances. I’ve also really been into books with broadway/musical theater elements and books that focus on mental health and coming of age stories, as well as books with royalty. That’s not to say I don’t still love a good supernatural/paranormal/fantasy/thriller book, but I might be pickier with what books I agree to read and/or post coverage for now, based on my new reading preferences.


Before submitting a review request, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING VERY CAREFULLY.

Feel free to e-mail me at meredith(at)pandorasbooks(dot)org with questions or comments.


What I Like to Read

Young Adult
I mostly review young adult fiction, with a preference for the following genres:
Fairy Tale / Greek Mythology / Classic Retellings (Basically, any kind of retelling = MINE!)
Books with royalty
Romance (Rom-Com-type romance preferred)
Books with broadway/musical theater
Contemporary fiction
Psychological Thrillers
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Historical (especially if it has any of the above elements)

Adult/New Adult
Fairy Tale / Greek Mythology / Classic Retellings (Basically, any kind of retelling = MINE!)
Books with royalty
Romance (Rom-Com-type romance preferred; open to reading books with erotica)
Contemporary fiction
Books with broadway/musical theater
Psychological Thrillers
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Historical (especially if it has any of the above elements)

Middle Grade
I’m slightly pickier with middle grade, but will read books from the following genres:
Fairy Tale / Greek Mythology / Classic Retellings (Basically, any kind of retelling = MINE!)
Science Fiction & Fantasy

Graphic Novels
I’ve only recently gotten into graphic novels, and I’m still figuring out what I like. For now, I’ll accept graphic novels that are either middle grade or young adult, and only the genres mentioned above.

I WILL NOT accept review requests for books that contain the following:
-Books with religious topics


IMPORTANT: Please note the following:
-Each review request will be carefully considered.
-I try to respond to all requests within a week of receiving them; however, I do have a full-time job and elderly parents that I take care of. Because of that, I do reserve the right to NOT respond to a request if it’s one I’m unable to say yes to.
-Acceptance of a review request does not guarantee a review.
-Please know that there is a chance that I may not enjoy your book. If you are not comfortable with receiving a 3-star or less review, do not submit a review request.
-There is a slight chance that, if I do not enjoy a book, I will DNF (Did not finish) it. I do not DNF very often; however, it could happen. If I DNF, I will notify you. I will NOT review the book unless you are okay with a DNF review, which will likely be a 1-star review.
-With a DNF, I reserve the right to withhold my reasoning for doing so. If you wish to know, ask me and I will be honest with you. PLEASE NOTE: If you ask me why and do not like my reasoning, that is not my fault.
-Unless specified in the review request, a deadline for the review will NOT be set. I try to read and review as quickly as possible; however, sometimes it simply has to wait. If, for whatever reason, you need the book reviewed by a certain date, please SPECIFY that in your request.
-Please note that even with a specified date, I reserve the right to change the review date for any reason. I will notify you of this ahead of the specified review date.

My reviews will be honest and unbiased, regardless of how I acquired the book.


Book Format

I prefer having a physical copy of the book – hardcover, paperback or ARC. This is due to chronic headaches/migraines that sometimes make reading on a screen for prolonged periods of time difficult. I do, however, have a Kindle (which accepts .mobi files and PDF files), so I am open to e-book review copies.


Review Format

I will include general information about the book, the official blurb, and a rating of 1-5 stars.

I’ve recently revamped my review style, due to some blogger burn-out I’ve been experiencing (thanks to the pandemic). I used to force myself to write long reviews; now, however, I’m focusing on the quality of the review and not length. Sometimes I love a book, but I just don’t have a lot to say. So, for the most part, my reviews will be short, concise and to the point. If you require a longer review, for whatever reason, please let me know.

Generally speaking, I try to avoid major spoilers in my reviews. If, for whatever reason, spoilers are included in the review, I’ll be sure to say so at the beginning of the review.


*Review policy, book format and review format subject to change


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